On the Use of the Cultural-Historical Theory for the Analysis of the Educational Space in the “Cultural-Historical Psychology” Journal

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The third issue of the "Cultural-Historical Psychology" journal (3-2023) has been published. The issue has three sections: "Theory and Methodology", "Psychology of Education" and "Developmental Psychology".

In the first section, you can read an analysis on the concept of "labor"; "unity" and the "whole" in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, get an idea of the "transvital self", learn about the development of a holistic concept of digital play and the differences in the cultural- and evolutionary-centric paradigms of child development in the first year of life.

The second section presents materials on the analysis of educational inequality from the perspective of cultural-historical psychology; examples of contradictions in the modern educational system and the characteristics of anomie.

In the "Developmental Psychology" section you can familiarize yourself with the results of empirical studies of the parameters of emerging adulthood in students and profiles of family vitality and the individual resilience of representatives of Russian and Belarusian families; get an idea on the role of laughter in culture.

The issue concludes with the "Memorable Dates" section, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of V.V. Rubtsov and the 85th anniversary of M. Cole

The full issue of the journal is available freely on the portal of psychological publications PsyJournals.ru.
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