The Journal “Experimental Psychology (Russia)” Call for Papers in No. 3-2024

The scientific journal "Experimental Psychology" (Russia) is a quarterly peer-reviewed edition invites English-speaking authors and researchers to publish in the thematic issue "Face Science" No. 3-2024. The journal included in Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Scopus. Journal publications are free of charge.
Human face as a scientific problem is becoming increasingly popular. The organization of face, its properties, functions, connection with emotional states and personality characteristics, methods for assessing and correcting appearance, psychological and psychophysiological mechanisms of face perception, its role in communication processes and activities, become the subject of thorough studies.
Original studies and reviews will be accepted for consideration.
Submission deadline for No. 3-2024 is July 1, 2024.
Guideline for authors and submission process can be found on the page
Editorial welcome your manuscripts by MSUPE online publishing system (OPS)