Cultural-Historical Psychology in BRICS Countries: Call for Papers

In 2025, the UNESCO International Chair "Cultural-Historical Psychology of Childhood" at MSUPE in partnership with ISCAR is preparing to publish a special issue of the international journal "Cultural-Historical Psychology", which is dedicated to analyzing the experience of implementing key ideas and provisions of Cultural-Historical Psychology in BRICS countries, with a special attention to new practices in education and social sphere developed taking into account the specifics of various cultural environments.
The deadline for manuscript submission is 1 June 2025.
For reference
The "Cultural-Historical Psychology" journal is indexing in Web of Science and Scopus (Q1).
The journal is recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Journal’s scope (according to the list of scientific branches):
- 5.3.1. – General Psychology, Personality Psychology, History of Psychology (Psychological Sciences).
- 5.3.4. – Educational Psychology, Psychodiagnostics of Digital Educational Environments (Psychological Sciences).
- 5.3.6. – Medical Psychology (Psychological Sciences).
- 5.12.1. – Interdisciplinary Studies of Cognitive Processes (Psychological Sciences).
- 5.12.1. – Interdisciplinary Studies of Cognitive Processes (Philosophical Sciences).
The volume of the manuscript should not exceed 40,000 printable characters (with spaces) text with a list of sources.
Materials that are submitted in the MSUPE Online Publishing System service are accepted for consideration.