Interactive Tasks in Teaching Programming as a Toolkit for a Computer Science Teacher
General Information
Keywords: programming, programming teaching methodology, Python, interactive tasks, interactive simulators
Publication rubric: Intelligent Technologies in Humanities and Education
Article type: scientific article
For citation: Markelov V.K., Zavyalova O.A. Interactive Tasks in Teaching Programming as a Toolkit for a Computer Science Teacher. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2021): Collection of Articles of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation. November 11-12, 2021 / V.V. Rubtsov, M.G. Sorokova, N.P. Radchikova (Eds). Moscow: Publishing house MSUPE, 2021., pp. 387–399.
- Zavyalova O.A., Markelov V.K. Metodicheskie podkhody k prepodavaniyu temy «Programmirovanie i algoritmizatsiya» na baze yazyka programmirovaniya Python v kurse informatiki srednei shkoly [Methodological approaches to teaching the topic “Programming and Algorithmization” based on the Python programming language in a high school computer science course]. Sovremennye problemy i perspektivy obucheniya matematike, fizike, informatike v shkole i vuze: mezhvuzovskii sbornik nauchno-metodicheskikh trudov [Modern problems and prospects of teaching mathematics, physics, computer science at school and university: interuniversity collection of scientific and methodological works]. Vologda: VSU, 2021, vol. 4, pp. 164–169. (In Russ.).
- Markelov V.K. Ispol’zovanie interaktivnykh trenazherov dinamicheskoi sredy GeoGebra pri izuchenii yazyka Python v kurse informatiki srednei shkoly [Using Interactive GeoGebra Dynamic Environment Simulators to Learn Python in High School Computer Science]. Sokhranenie i razvitie kul’turnogo i obrazovatel’nogo potentsiala Ivanovskoi oblasti: Sbornik trudov studencheskoi nauchnoi konferentsii [Preservation and development of the cultural and educational potential of the Ivanovo region: Proceedings of the student scientific conference]. Shuya: Izdatel’stvo Shuiskogo filiala IvGU, 2021. (In Russ.).
- Markelov V.K. Metodika prepodavaniya temy «Programmirovanie i algoritmizatsiya» v srednei shkole na baze komplekta interaktivnykh zadanii: Vypusknaya kvalifikatsionnaya rabota [Methods of teaching the topic “Programming and Algorithmization” in secondary school on the basis of a set of interactive tasks: Final qualification work.], 2021, 104 p. URL: (Accessed: 12.09.2021). (In Russ.).
- Markelov V.K. Opyt ispol’zovaniya komplekta interaktivnykh zadanii «PyBook» v obuchenii programmirovaniyu [Experience in using the set of interactive tasks “MyBook” in teaching programming]. Sokhranenie i razvitie kul’turnogo i obrazovatel’nogo potentsiala Ivanovskoi oblasti: Sbornik trudov studencheskoi nauchnoi konferentsii [Preservation and development of the cultural and educational potential of the Ivanovo region: Proceedings of the student scientific conference]. Shuya: Izdatel’stvo Shuiskogo filiala IvGU, 2021. (In Russ.).
- Markelov V.K. Programmno-metodicheskii interaktivnyi kompleks «PyBook» kak sredstvo obucheniya yazyku programmirovaniya Python v shkol’nom kurse informatiki [The program-methodical interactive complex “PyBook” as a means of teaching the Python programming language in the school computer science course]. Prepodavanie informatsionnykh tekhnologii v Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Teaching information technology in the Russian Federation]. 2021. URL: (Accessed: 12.09.2021). (In Russ.).
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