Problem of shaping conflict resolution culture of personality of professional: realia and opportunities



The paper presents author’s interpretation of such notions as “interpersonal conflict”, “conflict resolution culture of personality” and their structure. Besides that author proposes to carry out analysis of conflicts in view of contextual aspects identified and described by her. Author also proposes conceptual model of conflict resolution culture development and diagnostic procedure for determination of the level of person conflict resolution culture development.

General Information

Keywords: conflict, conflict resolution culture of personality, cognitive culture, culture of emotions, culture of behavior, communication culture, levels of conflict resolution culture development, model of professional conflict resolution culture development, context, conflict management

Publication rubric: Psychology in social management, human resources, organizational development

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Shcherbakova O.I. Problem of shaping conflict resolution culture of personality of professional: realia and opportunities [Elektronnyi resurs]. Socio-economic and psychological problems of management,


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Information About the Authors

Olga I. Shcherbakova, PhD in Education, Associate Professor, Psychology Chair, G.V. Plekhanov RussianAcademy of Economics, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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