Vocational training of human resources for regional innovative economy
The paper presents results of applied study of the problem of human resource securing for innovative development of regional economy. This securing is defined by resource potential of vocational training system, its dynamic features and ability to restructure in view of corresponding programs of the region development. Available methodological approaches in studies of the opportunities of regional vocational training system allowing determination of its potential and prospects of further development were considered. The paper is a brief overview of results of control stage of trial study.
General Information
Keywords: socio-economical development, region, system of vocational training, approach, competence-related, cluster-related, synergetic, integrative, securing human resources, certification, resource potential
Publication rubric: Educational management & professional training
Article type: scientific article
For citation: Lishchina G.N. Vocational training of human resources for regional innovative economy [Elektronnyi resurs]. Socio-economic and psychological problems of management,
Information About the Authors
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