
Гулина Марина Анатольевна

Страна, город Великобритания, Лондон
Ученые степень и звание доктор психологических наук, профессор
Должность и место работы Университет Сити, МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова
Адрес электронной почты marinagulina@mail.ru
Scopus ID 8545684400
Основные научные публикации

Frappel-Cooke W., Gulina M., Green K., Hacker J., Greenberg N. (2010). Does the use of Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) influence Post-Trauma Reactions of United Kingdom Armed Forces personnel after deployment? Occupational Medicine, November, 2010. (in English)

Gulina M., Gulina M. Al. (2012). Concept of language in therapeutic and counselling psychology.  Journal of Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy. No 4, December. (in Russian).

Gulina M. (2013). Long-term consequences of the trauma of the Siege of Leningrad (1941-1944) . Mixed methods research. In: Y. Zinchenko (Ed.) Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. Moscow, MSU. (in English)

Gulina M. (2009). Reconstruction of the early Experience of Children who Survived the Siege of Leningrad: Qualitative Analysis and Psychodynamic Interpretation. In: Parsons M. (ed.) Children: The Invisible Victims of War. An Interdisciplinary Study. Peterborough: DSM, pp. 233-249. (in English)

Gulina M., Kovaliova J. (2010). Psychology of social  adjustment and maladjustment. In: Gulina M. (Ed.) Counselling Psychology for Social Work. St. Petersburg, Piter Press; pp. 9-24 (in Russian).

Gulina M., Tchoupakhina J. (2010). General principles and development of family counselling. In: Gulina M. (Ed.) Counselling Psychology for Social Work. St. Petersburg, Piter Press; pp. 154-166. (in Russian).

Gulina M., Bogoliubova O. (2010). Psychological counselling with children suffering from family abuse. In: Gulina M. (Ed.) Counselling Psychology for Social Work. St. Petersburg, Piter Press; pp. 167-180. (in Russian).

Gulina M., Kozlova A. (2010).  «Social orphans» in Russia. In: Gulina M. (Ed.) Counselling Psychology for Social Work. St. Petersburg, Piter Press; pp.  201-214. (in Russian).

Kovaliov Y., Gulina M. (2010). Counselling work with groups and communities. In: Gulina M. (Ed.) Counselling Psychology for Social Work. St. Petersburg, Piter Press; pp. 215-222. (in Russian).

Gulina M., Nalimova- Bolshakova I. (2010). Going through crisis and grief. In: Gulina M. (Ed.)  Counselling Psychology for Social Work. St. Petersburg, Piter Press; pp. 223-230. (in Russian).

Gulina M., Vikhreva O. (2010). Post-traumatic stress disorders. In: Gulina M. (Ed.) Counselling Psychology for Social WorkSt. Petersburg, Piter Press; pp. 231-235. (in Russian).

Gulina M., Levin S. (2010). Counselling of suicide and suicidal behaviour. In: Gulina M. (Ed.) Counselling Psychology for Social Work. St. Petersburg, Piter Press; pp. 236-250. (in Russian).

Gulina M., Doukhnovskaya L. (2010). Psychology of aging. In: Gulina M. (Ed.) Counselling Psychology for Social Work. St. Petersburg, Piter Press; pp. 271-276. (in Russian).

Gulina M., Levin S. (2010). Psychological counselling with adolescents. In: Gulina M. (Ed.) Counselling Psychology for Social Work. St. Petersburg, Piter Press; pp. 277-291. (in Russian).

Gulina M., Alexandrova O. (2010). Psychological issues of  homosexual relations. In: Gulina M. (Ed.) Counselling Psychology for Social Work. St. Petersburg, Piter Press; pp. 292-300. (in Russian).

Gulina M., Levin S. (2010). Psychological assessment in prisons. In: Gulina M. (Ed.) Counselling Psychology for Social Work. St. Petersburg, Piter Press; pp. 301-322. (in Russian).


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