Аракелова Гаяне Борисовна

Аракелова Гаяне Борисовна

PsyJournalsID: 2192

кандидат медицинских наук, Доцент кафедры психиатрии, Государственный Медицинский Университет им. М. Гераци; заместитель директора Центра Психического здоровья «Аван», руководитель арт-терапевтической службы, Ереван, Армения, garakelova@yahoo.com

Дата последнего обновления: 02.05.2024

Публикации в журналах портала PsyJournals.ru 1

Другие публикации автора

  1. G.B.Arakelova “Autistic disorders in the structure of depressive-paranoid syndrome in schizophrenia cases”. Paper. “Scientific medical journal”, Yerevan, 2007, p.21-26.
  2. .G.B.Arakelova. “About use of art therapeutic methods of self-portrait and body art therapy in psychotherapy of neurosis”. Abstract. International Psychiatric Conference “Mental Health Perspectives In Public Health”, Yerevan, 7-10 Oct.,  2004, p.40-42
  3. “Self-perception and Autism in Schizophrenia and Neurosis Cases. Abstract and Papers “Trauma and recovery” 6-th Congress for Bridging Eastern and Western Psychiatry, October 10-12, 2003, p.67
  4. G.B.Arakelova. “A new approach in psychotherapy of autistic disorders”. “Medical Science of Armenia”, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, V. XLIII, N3, Yerevan, 2003, p.83-88.
  5. G.B.Arakelova. “Autism and self-perception in schizophrenia and neurosis cases.” Issues in Theoretical and Clinical Medicine. Journal Scientific and Practical Medicine. V.6., N3 (29), 2003, p.13-19.
  6. G.B.Arakelova.” Autistic disorders in schizophrenia and neurosis cases: clinical, psychopathological and psychological aspects and methods of treatment.” “Scientific transactions and reports” National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, 2003, p.50-58
  7. ”Masktherapy” N.G.Sarkisyan, G.B.Arakelova, “Psychology and Life”,N2, 2001, p.95-97, “Zangak-97” Publishing House
  8. On the disturbances of adequate self-perception and its connection with autistic, include communicative disorders. G.B.Arakelova, “Psychology and Life”,N1, 2002, “Zangak-97” Publishing House, p.129-134
  9. On The Peculiarities of Psychotherapeutic Contact in the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Autistic Patient By The Technique of Sculptural Self- Portrait. Arakelova G. B. Abstract book. 7-th World Congress 2000  on Psychosocial Rehabilitation  World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Paris, 2000
  10. ”The Practice of Body-art therapy in the Complex Treatment of Psychiatric Cases”, A.A.Alexandrovich, G.B.Arakelova, V.S.Shaverin, N.G.Sarkisyan, O.B.Mochalova. ”Moscow psychotherapeutic journal“, Moscow, 1998 (1)
  11. ”Bodiarttherapy”. G.M.Nazloyan, N.G.Sarkisyan, G.B.Arakelova, W.S.Shaverin, A.A.Alexandrovich, O.B.Mochalova, Acta Psychiatrica, Psychotherapeutica et Ethologica Tavrica, V.2  N 2(5)-3(6), Simferopole, 1998.
  12. “Method of Sculptural Self-portrait in the Treatment of Psychiatric Cases” G.M.Nazloyan, G.B.Arakelova. Acta Psychiatrica, Psychotherapeutica et Ethologica Tavrica, V.2, N 2(5)-3(6), Simferopole, 1998.
  13. “At Attempt at Describing the Atmosphere of Communication in Moscow Masktherapy Institute, or “Conversations around the Bonfire”.  G.M.Nazloyan, N.G.Sarkisyan, G.B.Arakelova, W.S.Shaverin, A.A.Alexandrovich. Acta Psychiatrica, Psychotherapeutica et Ethologica Tavrica, V.2, N 2(5)-3(6), Simferopole 1998.