Amoneeta Beckstein

Amoneeta Beckstein

PsyJournalsID: 12485

Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor, Psychology Department, Fort Lewis College, USA,

Awards and highlights

  • The American Psychological Association's Division 35, Section 6 (Alaska Native/American Indian/Indigenous Women) honored Amoneeta with the Sage Award
  • Licensed Professional Counselor (#178.012235)


  • American Psychological Association
  • Society of Indian Psychologists
  • Tomorrow People Organization, Scientific Committee
  • The Counseling Psychologist, Editorial Board Member
  • Southeast Asia Psychology Journal, Editor
  • Peace and Dignity Journeys

Personal site:

ORCID: 0000-0002-3702-0991

Last updated: 01.11.2023


Dr. Amoneeta's mother is Jewish Israeli, and his father is Aniyunwiya from the Anigilohi clan. He is an indigenous, multicultural, positive psychologist, a slam poet, an author, and an ethical influencer who advocates for decolonizing psychology and positive mental health practices and policies. He conducts therapy and research, publishes academic and popular articles, supervises and trains counseling students, and teaches about multicultural psychology and boosting subjective happiness. Amoneeta is committed to contributing and society's decolonization, growth, resilience, and life enhancement. He is also an avid consumer and producer of fiction and poetry. Before joining FLC, Amoneeta was the Counseling Center Director and a psychology faculty member at Webster University Thailand from 2017-2021.