Ann Edwards

PsyJournalsID: 2162

PhD, Professor, Oxford University; Educational Studies Department and Director of Research in the Department of Education. Member of the Academy of Social Sciences and the British Psychological Society., Oxford, Great Britain,

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Last updated: 31.05.2024

Other Author's Publications

Authored and Edited Books

  • Ovens, P. and Edwards, A. (Eds) (1989) Partnership in Teacher Research.   CARN Publications.
  • Galloway, D. and Edwards, A. (1991) Primary School Teaching and Educational Psychology.  London,  Longman.
  • Galloway, D. and Edwards, A. (1992) Secondary School Teaching and Educational Psychology. London, Longman.
  • Edwards, A. and Talbot R. (1994) The Hard-Pressed Researcher: a handbook for practitioner researchers in the caring professions.  London,  Longman.
  • Edwards, A. and Knight, P. (1994) Effective Education in the Early Years. Buckingham, Open University Press.
  • Edwards, A. and Knight, P. (Eds) (1995) The Assessment of Competences in Higher Education.  London, Kogan Page.
  • Edwards, A. and Collison, J. (1996)  Mentoring and Developing Practice in Primary Schools.  Buckingham, Open University Press.
  • Anning, A. and Edwards, A. (1999)  Promoting Learning from Birth to Five: developing professional practice in the pre-school. Buckingham, Open University Press.
  • Edwards, A. and Talbot R. = (1999 2nd edition) The Hard-Pressed Researcher: a handbook for practitioner pesearchers in the caring professions.  London, Longman
  • Edwards, A.,  Gilroy, P. and Hartley, D.  ( 2002) Rethinking Teacher Education: an interdisciplinary analysis.  London, Falmer.
  • Daniels, H. & Edwards, A. (Eds)  (2003) RoutledgeFalmer Reader: The Psychology of Education. London, Routledge.
  • Anning, A. and Edwards, A. = (2006 2nd edition) Promoting Learning from Birth to Five: developing professional practice in the pre-school. Buckingham, Open University Press. (French translation forthcoming 2009.)
  • Edwards, A., Daniels, H., Gallagher, T., Leadbetter, J. and Warmington, P. (2009) Improving Inter-professional Collaborations: multi-agency working for children’s wellbeing. London: Routledge.
  • Daniels, H.,  Edwards, A., Engeström, Y., and Ludvigsen, S. (Eds) (in press) Activity Theory in Practice: promoting learning across boundaries and agencies. London, Routledge.
  • Ellis, V., Edwards, A. and P. Smagorinsky, P.  (Eds) (publication due late 2009) Learning Teaching: cultural historical perspectives on teacher education and development. London, Routledge.
  • Edwards, A. (publication due mid 2010) Being an Expert Professional Practitioner: a relational turn  Dordrecht, Springer
  • Rickinson, M., Sebba, J. and Edwards, A. (publication due mid 2010) Improving User-engagement in Educational Research. London, Routledge.

    Contributions to Books

  • Honess, T. and Edwards, A. (1987)  Evaluative and Case Study Research with Adolescents, in T. Honess and K. Yardley (Eds) Self and Identity: Perspectives Across the Life Span. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 246-261.
  • Edwards, A. (1988) A Child of Four Could Tell You, in F. Fransella and L. Thomas (Eds) Experimenting with Personal Construct Psychology. London,  Routledge & Kegan Paul, pp. 232-244.
  • Edwards, A. (1989) Identity Construction and Schooling, in K. Reid (Ed) Helping Troubled Pupils at School. Oxford,  Blackwells, pp. 147-155.
  • Edwards, A. (1989) Sharing the Power in Classroom Research:  Implications for Higher Education, Researching the Future for Higher Education. Manchester, CEDAT.
  • Honess, T. and Edwards, A. (1990)  Styles of Accommodation:  Poorly Qualified School Leavers' Sense of Self, in H. Bosma and S. Jackson (Eds) Coping and Self in Adolescence. New York, Springer Verlag, pp. 69-87.
  • Edwards, A. (1991) Positive Evaluation:  a Case Study of Staff Development in Higher Education, in J. Macleod (Ed) Evaluation Strategies. TEED, pp. 14-21.
  • Edwards, A. and Brunton, D. (1993) Supporting Reflection in Teachers' Learning, in J. Calderhead and P. Gates (Eds) Conceptualising Reflection in Teacher Development. London, Falmer, pp. 154-166.
  • Edwards, A. (1994) Curriculum Applications of Group Work, in P. Kutnick and C. Rogers (Eds) Groups in Schools.  London, Cassell, pp. 177-194.
  • Collison, J. and Edwards, A. = (1994) How Teachers Support Student Learning,  in I. Reid, R. Griffiths and H. Constable (Eds) Teacher Education Reform: The Research Evidence. London, Paul Chapman,  pp. 131-136.
  • Edwards, A. and Collison, J. (1995)  Partnerships in School-Based Teacher Training: A New Vision? in R. McBride (Ed) Teacher Education Policy: Some Issues Arising from Research and Practice. London, Falmer, pp. 49-61.
  • Edwards, A. (1996) Can Action Research Give Coherence to the School Based Learning Experiences of Students? in C. O'Hanlon (Ed) Professional Development Through Research in International Settings. London, Falmer, pp. 141-154.
  • Edwards, A. (1997) Mentoring in Initial Teacher Training: Modelling, Mediation or Mothering? in J. Stephenson (Ed) Mentoring: The New Panacea? London, Peter Francis, pp. 154-166.
  • Edwards, A. (1997)  Possible Futures in Initial Teacher Education in the Primary Phase, in A. Hudson and D. Lambert (Eds) Exploring Futures in Initial Teacher Education: Changing Key for Changing Times. London, Bedford Way Papers, pp. 63-82.
  • Edwards, A. (1997) Parents and Professionals, in B. Cosin and M. Hales (Eds) Families, Education and Social Difference.  London, Routledge, pp. 64-76. (extracted from Edwards and Knight, 1994).
  • Edwards, A. (1998) Conversations and Collaboration: Primary Education as a Community of Practice, in C. Richards, N. Simco, S. Twiselton (Eds) Primary Teacher Education: high status? High Standards? London, Falmer, pp. 216-223.
  • Edwards, A. and Ogden, L.  (1999) The role of Mentor in Developing the Professional Self, in M. Lang, J. Olson, H. Henning, W. Buender (Eds) Changing Schools / Changing Practices: recent research on teacher professionalism. Amsterdam, GARANT.
  • Edwards, A. (1999) Research and Practice: is there a dialogue? in H. Penn (Ed) Theory, Policy and Practice in Early Childhood Services. Buckingham, Open University Press, pp. 184-199.
  • Edwards, A.  (2001) Qualitative Designs and Analysis, in G. MacNaughton, S. Rolfe & I. Siraj-Blatchford (Eds) Doing Early Childhood Research: Theory and Process. an international perspective. Melbourne, Allen and Unwin (and Open University Press), pp. 117-135.
  • Edwards, A. (2001) Investigating the Complexities of Teaching and Mentoring, in I. Abbott & L. Evans (Eds) The Future of Educational Research. London, Falmer.
  • Edwards, A. (2002) The Role of Research and Scientifically-based Knowledge in Teacher Education, P-O Erixon, G-M Frånberg & D. Kallos (Eds) The Role of Graduate and Postgraduate Studies and Research in Teacher Education Reform Policies in the European Union, Umeå, The Faculty Board for Teacher Education, pp. 19-32.
  • Edwards, A. (2004) Relevance, Evaluation and Dissemination: Education, in S. Fraser et al (Eds) Doing Research with Children and Young People. London, Sage, pp. 255-269.
  • Edwards, A. (2005)  Researching  Pedagogy: a sociocultural agenda, in M. Whitehead and D. Hartley (Eds) Teacher Education: major themes in education. London, Routledge.
  • Edwards, A. (2007) An Interesting Resemblance: Vygotsky, Mead and American Pragmatism, in H. Daniels, M. Cole and J. Wertsch  (Eds) A Vygotsky Companion. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 77-100.
  • Edwards, A., Apostolov, A., Dooher, I. and Popova, A. (2008)  Working with Extended Schools to Prevent Social Exclusion, in K. Morris. (Ed) Social Work and Multi-Agency Working: challenges and opportunities. Bristol: Polity Press.
  • Edwards, A.  and Mackenzie, L. (2008) Identity shifts in informal learning trajectories, in B. van Oers, W. Wardekker, E. Elbers and R. van der Veer (Eds) The Transforming of Learning: advances in cultural historical activity theory. Cambridge: CUP.
  • Edwards, A  (2009) Becoming a Teacher, in H. Daniels, J. Porter and H. Lauder (Eds) Educational Theories, Cultures and Learning: vol 1. London, Routlege.
  • Edwards, A. (in press) Learning How to Know Who: professional learning for expansive practice between organisations, in S Ludvigsen, A. Lund and R. Saljo (Eds) Learning Across Sites London, Pergamon.
  • Edwards, A. (in press) Agency and Activity Theory: from the systemic to the relational, in H Daniels, K. Guttierez and A Sannino (Eds) Learning and Expanding with Activity Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Edwards, A. and Kinti, I. (in press) Working Relationally at Organisational Boundaries: negotiating expertise and identity, in H. Daniels, A. Edwards, Y. Engeström and S. Ludvigsen (Eds)  Activity Theory in Practice: promoting learning across boundaries and agencies. London, Routledge.
  • Edwards, A. (publication due late 2009) How can CHAT help us to understand and develop teacher education?, in V. Ellis, A. Edwards and P. Smagorinsky (Eds) Learning Teaching: cultural historical perspectives on teacher education and development. London, 
  • Edwards, A. (publication due mid 2010) Edited four chapter section on Professional Learning and Development and a chapter with V. Ellis on The Professional Development of Teachers: European perspectives, in C. Day (Ed) International Handbook on Teacher and School Development, London Routledge. 

    Refereed Articles
  • Edwards, A. (1981) The Role of Debate in a Study Skills Course,  English Language Teaching Journal, xxxv. 4. 387-389.
  • Cole, P. and Edwards, A. (1982) Reality in the Classroom, Beitrage zur Fremdensprachen-Vermittlung aus dem Konstanzer Sli Heft, 11. 17-22.
  • Fontana, D. and Edwards, A. (1985) Teachers' Perceptions of Socio-Emotional Development in Nursery School Children, The Durham and Newcastle Research Review, October  239-244.
  • Edwards, A. (1988) Power Games in Early Education,  Early Child Development and Care, 34. 143-149.
  • Edwards, A. (1991) Teacher Education and Local Authorities: Jointly Constructing a Future for Education,  Local Government Policy Making, 18. 1. 33-38.
  • Edwards, A. (1993) Curriculum Co-ordination: A Lost Opportunity for Primary Schools? School Organisation, 13. 1.  51-59.
  • Edwards, A. (1995) Teacher Education: Partnerships in Pedagogy? Teaching and Teacher Education,  11.  6. 265-279.
  • Edwards, A. and Collison, J. (1995) What do Teacher Mentors Tell Student Teachers About Pupil Learning in Infant Schools?  Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 1. 2.  265-79.
  • Edwards, A. (1997) Guests Bearing Gifts: the Position of Student Teachers in Primary School Classrooms,  British Educational Research Journal, 23. 1. 27-37.
  • Edwards, A. (1998) Mentoring Student Teachers in Primary Schools: Assisting Student Teachers to Become Learners, European Journal of Teacher Education, 21. 1.  47-62.
  • Edwards, A.  and Ogden, L. (1998) Constructing Curriculum Subject Knowledge in School-based Teacher Training in Primary Schools, Teaching and Teacher Education, 14. 7. 735-747.
  • Edwards, A. (1998) Research and its Influence on Learning, Educational and Child Psychology, 15. 3. 86-98.
  • Edwards, A. and Warin, J. (1999) Parental Involvement in Raising Pupils’ Achievement in Primary Schools: Why Bother? Oxford Review of Education, 25. 3. 325-341.
  • Edwards, A. (2000) Theoretical Resource: Looking at Action Research Through the Lenses of  Sociocultural Psychology and Activity Theory, Educational Action Research, 8. 1. 195-204.
  • Edwards, A. (2001) Researching  Pedagogy: a sociocultural agenda, Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 9. 2. 161-186.
  • Edwards, A. (2001) School-based Teacher Education: where angels fear to tread, Dutch Journal of Teacher Education, 22. 3. 11-19.
  • Edwards, A. (2002) Responsible Research: ways of being a researcher, British Educational Research Journal, 28.2. 157-168.
  • Edwards, A., MacKenzie, L., Ranson, S. and Rutledge, H. (2002) Disruption and Disposition in Lifelong Learning, Outlines: critical social studies,  4. 1. 49-58.
  • Edwards, A. and  Protheroe, L (2003) Learning to See in Classrooms: what are student teachers learning about teaching and learning while learning to teach in schools? British Educational Research Journal, 29. 2. 227-242.
  • Edwards, A. and Protheroe, L. (2004) Teaching by Proxy: understanding how mentors are positioned in partnerships,  Oxford Review of Education, 30. 2. 183-197.
  • Edwards, A. and D’Arcy, C. (2004) Relational Agency and Disposition in Sociocultural Accounts of Learning to Teach,  Educational Review (Special Issue edited by Harry Daniels and Anne Edwards on Sociocultural and Activity Theory and Education).  56. 2. 147-155.
  • Edwards, A. (2004) Understanding Context, Understanding Practice in Early Education, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal,  12. 1. 85-101.
  • Edwards, A. (2004) The New Multi-Agency Working: collaborating to prevent the social exclusion of children and families, Journal of Integrated Care, 12 (5) 3-9.
  • Edwards, A. and Fox, C. (2005) Using Activity Theory to Evaluate a Complex Response to Social Exclusion, Educational and Child Psychology. 22. 1. 50-60.
  • Edwards,A. (2005) Let’s get beyond community and practice: the many meanings of learning by participating, The Curriculum Journal, 16. 1. 53-69.
  • Edwards, A. and Mackenzie, L. (2005) Steps Towards Participation: the social support of learning trajectories, International Journal of Lifelong Education, 24. 4. 287-302.
  • Edwards, A. (2005) Relational Agency: learning to be a resourceful practitioner, International Journal of Educational Research. 43. 3. 168-182.
  • Edwards, A. (2007) Working Collaboratively to Build Resilience: a CHAT approach, Social Policy and Society. 6 . 2.  255-265.
  • Edwards, A. (2007) Relational Agency in Professional Practice: a CHAT analysis, Actio. An International Journal of Human Activity. 1. 1-17.
  • Edwards, A, Sebba, J. and Rickinson, M. (2007) Working with Users: some implications for educational research, British Educational Research Journal, 33. 5. 647-661.
  • Edwards, A. and Burn, K (2007) Editors of special issue of the Oxford Review of Education on professional learning which includes Edwards, A. and Mutton, T. Looking Forward: rethinking professional learning through partnership arrangements in initial teacher education, Oxford Review of Education, 33. 4. 503-519.
  • Edwards, A. and Apostolov, A. (2007) A Cultural-Historical Interpretation of Resilience: the implications for practice. Outlines: critical social studies, 9.1, 70-84
  • Edwards, A. (2008) Activity Theory and Small-scale Interventions in Schools, Journal of Educational Change, 9. 375-378.
  • Edwards, A., Lunt, I. and Samou, E. (in press) Inter-professional Work and Expertise: new roles at the boundaries of schools, British Educational Research Journal
  • Edwards, A. (in press) Understanding Boundaries in Inter-professional Work, The Scottish Educational Review

Recent Reports

  • NECF (2004) (AE author) Developing Collaboration in Preventative Services for Children and Young People, The First Annual Report of the National Evaluation of the Children’s Fund, London, DfES. Research Report 528 (65k words)
  • NECF (2004) (AE author) Collaboration for the Social Inclusion of Children and Young People, London, DfES Research Report 596 (34k words)
    Edwards, A, Barnes, M., Plewis, I. and Morris, K. (2006)  Working to Prevent the Social Exclusion of Children and Young People: final lessons from the National Evaluation of the Children’s Fund, London, DfES Research Report 734 (112k words)
  • Evans, R., Pinnock, K, Beirens, H. and Edwards, A. (2006) Developing Preventative Practices: the experiences of children, young people and their families in the Children’s Fund, London, DfES Research Report 735 (49k words)
  • Evangelou, M., Sylva, K., Edwards, A. & Smith, T. (2008) Supporting Parents in Promoting Early Learning, London, DCSF RR039
  • Recent Refereed and Invited Conference Papers
  • Edwards, A. (April 2000) Evidence-based Practice and the Generation of Knowledge about Pedagogy in Schools, AERA Conference, New Orleans (refereed)
  • Edwards, A. (July 2000) Networks and Knowledge Construction, III Conference for Sociocultural Research, Campinas, Brazil (refereed)
  • Edwards, A. and Protheroe, L (September 2000) The Social Formation of the Minds of Beginning Teachers in Initial Teacher Training, ECER, Edinburgh (refereed)
  • Edwards, A. (February 2001) School-based Teacher Training: where angels fear to tread. Keynote Address. VELON (Dutch Association of Teacher Educators) Conference, Leiden  (invited)
  • Edwards, A. (April  2001) The Role of Research and Scientifically-based Knowledge in Teacher Education, Keynote at 4th ENTEP  seminar for representatives of EU Education Ministers, Umea, Sweden. (invited)
  • Edwards, A. (September 2001) Dislocation and Disposition in Lifelong Learning, 2nd Nordic-Baltic Conference on Activity Theory and Sociocultural Research, Ronneby, Sweden. (refereed)
  • Edwards, A. (September 2001) Responsible Research: ways of being a researcher, Presidential Address, BERA Annual Conference. (invited)
  • Edwards, A. (April 2002) Convenor: BERA/AERA invited symposium Developments in Sociocultural and Activity Theory Analyses of Learning to Teach in School. Contributors UK: Harry Daniels, Phil Scott & Anne Edwards. USA Yrjö Engeström, Mike Cole and King Beach. Paper title: Developing Understandings of Agency and Disposition in Sociocultural Accounts of Learning to Teach. AERA Annual Conference, New Orleans. (invited)
  • Edwards, A. (April 2002) Contriving the Formation of Professional Minds: conflicting cultures in the preparation of beginning teachers. Division K invited international symposium. AERA Annual Conference, New Orleans. (invited)
  • Daniels, H. and Edwards, A. (April 2002) Developing Centres of Excellence, invited presentation at the Cultural Historical SIG meeting, AERA Annual Conference, New Orleans. (invited)
  • Edwards, A. (June 2002) Identity Shifts in Informal Learning Trajectories, International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory (ISCRAT), Amsterdam. (refereed)
  • Edwards, A. (June 2002) Convenor of symposium emanating from ESRC seminar series on sociocultural psychology and education. Individual paper: Learning to Support Learning in Pre-school Settings, ISCRAT, Amsterdam. (refereed) 
  • Edwards, A. (December 2002 ) Convenor of symposium Uncertain Relationships: educational research, policy and practice in the UK. Individual paper: Seeking Uncertainty: educational research as an engaged social science, AARE Conference, Brisbane. (refereed)
  • Edwards, A. (December 2002) How Activity Theory Analyses Help us Examine How Learning is Supported in Educational Settings, Keynote, Curriculum Conference, Deakin University, Melbourne. (invited) 
  • Edwards, A. and  Mackenzie, L. (June 2003) Steps Towards Participation: Exploring Learning Trajectories over Time and Place, International Society for Theoretical Psychology Conference, Istanbul.  Also convenor of international symposium on identity and context. (refereed)
  • Edwards, A. (October 2003) From Question to Design, ESRC Research Capacity Building Network event, University of Brighton (keynote)
  • Edwards. A (December 2003) Learning New Practices in Practice: interagency collaboration for responsive service provision, Interlearn Conference, Helsinki. (refereed)
  • Edwards, A. (June 2004) Multi-agency Working for prevention for Children and Families: ‘it is the biggest change since the introduction of the NHS’ NECF Online Conference. (keynote)
  • Edwards, A. (November 2004) What do Sociocultural and Activity Theory tell us about Learning? CHAT Pre-Conference Seminar, Monash University  (keynote)
  • Edwards, A. (December 2004) Spaces for Professional Learning in the Boundary Zones, AARE Conference, Melbourne (contribution to symposium, invited)
  • Edwards, A. (May 2005) Working With other Professionals: the implications of the Every Child Matters agenda for CPD and ITE, ESCALATE Conference, Lancaster (keynote)
  • Edwards, A. and Evans, R. (September 2005) Resilient Practice for Resilient Children: creating capacity for relational agency in preventative services, ISCAR Conference, Seville  (contribution to symposium, convenor)
  • Edwards, A. and Blackledge, A. (September 2005) The development of practices in different social situations, ISCAR Conference, Seville  (contribution to symposium, invited)
  • Edwards, A. (September 2005) Creating Conditions for Learning Across Organisations: vertical learning in a complex initiative, ISCAR Conference, Seville  (contribution to symposium, invited)
  • Edwards, A. (November 2005) Relational Agency: learning to be a resourceful practitioner, launch of the Centre for Human Activity Theory, Kansai University. Osaka, Japan (keynote) 
  • Edwards, A. (November 2005) Cultural Historical Activity Theory: a relational turn, ESRC-TLRP Annual Conference, University of Warwick (keynote)
  • Edwards, A. (March 2006) Perspectives on Partnership: some lessons from the Children’s Fund, CEDAR Annual Conference, University of Warwick (keynote)
  • Edwards, A. (June 2006) Managing Large Projects, ESRC Researcher Development Initiative Event, University of Warwick (keynote)
  • Edwards, A. (November 2006) Making a Difference; the importance of practice-based research, Applied and Practice-based Research Conference, Institute of Education, London (keynote)
  • Edwards, A. and Barnes, M. (November 2006) Understanding Prevention, Annual DfES Research Conference, London. (invited symposium) 
  • Edwards, A. (March 2007) Collaborative Approaches to Developing Effective Teachers: implication from and for research. UCET-OfSTED UK Conference, Glasgow  (keynote)
  • Edwards, A. (April 2007) Enhancing Expertise Through Interagency Working. AERA Annual Conference, Chicago (refereed)
  • Edwards, A. (April 2007) Conceptualising User engagement in Educational Research: working on the boundaries. AERA Annual Conference, Chicago (refereed)
  • Edwards, A. (June 2007) Object-oriented Activity in Multi-professional Work. Nordic ISCAR Conference, Oslo (refereed)
  • Edwards, A. (August 2007) Participatory Approaches to Developing Resilience in Childhood, CHADOC Symposium, Copenhagen. (invited symposium keynote)
  • Edwards, A. and Kinti, I. (2007) Resisting Relational Agency: working on the boundaries of schooling, EARLI Conference, Budapest (refereed)
  • Edwards, A. (2008) Becoming a Teacher: becoming a learner, Nordic Conference on Teacher Education, Reykjavik (invited keynote) 
  • Edwards, A. (2008) A CHAT View of Low Cost Ways of ‘Bridging the Gap’ CHADOC day conference -  ISCAR Conference, San Diego (invited keynote)
  • Daniels, H. and Edwards, A. (2008) Methodological and Analytical Resources for Researching Learning for Inter-professional Work, ISCAR Conference, San Diego (refereed)
  • Daniels, H. and Edwards, A. (2008) Revisiting Mediation in the Workplace, ISCAR Conference, San Diego (refereed)
  • Edwards, A. (2008) Understanding Boundaries in Inter-professional Work ‘The SERA Keynote’ Perth.
  • Edwards, A. (2009) Relational Agency in Collaborations for the Well-being of Children and Young People, Finnish Association for Research in Social Work Annual Conference, Turku (invited keynote)