Ann Edwards

PsyJournalsID: 2162

PhD, Professor, Oxford University; Educational Studies Department and Director of Research in the Department of Education. Member of the Academy of Social Sciences and the British Psychological Society., Oxford, Great Britain,

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Last updated: 31.05.2024


Anne is Director of Research in the Department of Education. She was a member of the ESRC Research Grants Board between 2003 and 2007 and of the Education sub-panel in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. She has been elected as a member of the Academy of Social Sciences and is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. She was President of BERA between 2001 and 2003 and joined the Oxford Department in October 2005, from a Chair in Pedagogy at the University of Birmingham. In her last few years at Birmingham she was Director of the DfES-funded National Evaluation of the Children’s Fund ; with Judy Sebba (Sussex) and Mark Rickinson (Oxford) convened a TLRP seminar series on the impact of enhanced user engagement on the design of educational research; and was co-editor of Mind Culture and Activity.

Scientific Activity

Anne is co-convener of the Oxford Centre for Sociocultural and Activity Theory Research (OSAT) and is a member of the Teaching and Teacher Education research group. Her research lies in the broad area of learning and practice with a particular interest in the relational aspects of learning. Recent research includes a ESRC-TLRP-funded study of Learning in and For Interagency Working which she co-directed with Harry Daniels (Bath); and with colleagues at Oxford: an evaluation, for the DCSF, of the Early Learning Partnerships Projects and an ESRC study of how secondary schools are engaging in inter-professional work. Her current work focuses the development of relational forms of expertise in professional practice.