Experimental Psychology (Russia) (2015. Vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 60–76)
Anna Nikolaevna Shestakova
PsyJournalsID: 3156
PhD, Director, Centre for Cognition and Decision Making, National Research University Higher School of Economics; senior researcher at the Scientific and Educational Center for Neurocognitive Research (MEG Center), St.Petersburg, Russia, a.shestakova@hse.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-9374-9878
Last updated: 11.06.2024
Journal Articles on PsyJournals.ru Portal 4
Klucharev V.A., Zubarev I.P., Shestakova A.N.
Experimental Psychology (Russia) (2014. Vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 20–36)
Butorina A.V., Shestakova A.N., Nikolaeva A.Yu., Stroganova T.A., Shtyrov Y.Y.
Journal of Modern Foreign Psychology (2012. Vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 103–114)
Klucharev V.A., Smidts A., Shestakova A.N.
Experimental Psychology (Russia) (2011. Vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 14–35)