Marina Gennadyevna Sorokova

Marina Gennadyevna Sorokova

PsyJournalsID: 5966

Doctor of Education, PhD in Physics and Matematics, docent, Head of Scientific and Practical Center for Comprehensive Support of Psychological Research "PsyDATA", Head of the Department of Digital Education, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow, Russia,,

Personal site:

ORCID: 0000-0002-1000-6487

Last updated: 14.06.2024



  • Moscow Pedagogical State University (2001 – 2003), Faculty of Elementary Education, Degree:  PhD in Pedagogy;
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University (1987 – 1992), Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, PhD in Physics and Mathematics;
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University (1982 – 1987), Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, graduate Mathematics

Advanced training and professional development:

  • participation in the Web of Science – Clarivate Analytics online-seminars “Information tools of Clarivate Analytics for effective science activity”, certified, 2019;
  • participation in the advanced training program “Creation of e-courses in the MOODLE system for the implementation of educational programs at the university”, certified, MSUPE, 2018;
  • participation in the Web of Science – Clarivate Analytics online-seminars “Practical recommendations for publication in international journals”, certified, 2018;
  • participation in the advanced training program “Inclusive education of students with disabilities and special needs using e-learning and distance learning technologies”, certified, MSUPE, 2015;
  • participation in training program “Design and application of knowledge tests in education quality monitoring system at the university” of the “Humanitarian Technologies” laboratory, supervisor A.G. Shmelev, certified, MSUPE, 2012;
  • participation in the Association Montessori International (AMI) training course, AMI-diploma in Montessori Special Education, Kinderzentrum Munich, Germany, October 1992 – July 1993  

Professional experience: since 1994

Scientific interests:

  • Mathematical statistics in Psychology & Education;
  • Education & Educational researches;
  • Digital technologies in higher education
  • Quantitative analysis of empirical data in Psychology & Education

Editorial board member of the journal "Psychological–Educational Studies"

Conducted courses:

  1. Mathematical methods in psychology (undergraduate, specialty)
  2. Quantitative analysis of empirical data (undergraduate)
  3. Methodology of researches in clinical psychology (specialty)
  4. Statistical and mathematical methods in psychological and pedagogical researches (master)
  5. Workshop: psychological and pedagogical research data processing in SPSS (master)
  6. Mathematical statistics (master)
  7. Scientific and methodological seminar (master)
  8. Education and learning of preschoolers in the Montessori system (advanced training program)