Combining the Resources of the Education System and Civil Society in Building a Model of Preventive Work with Children at “Risk Group”



The article analyzes the practice of intersectoral interaction in building a comprehensive model of working with adolescents at risk, in particular, those who are in conflict. The model is based on combining the resources of schools, methodological structures, universities, non(profit organizations and volunteer communities. The article deals with the individual components of the model, which in each specific situation allow you to design your own scenario for working with the case of a teenager. The key components of the model are based on a restorative approach. The experience of conducting community Circles in situations of multidimensional conflicts and their integration into the General scheme of work with teenagers is presented. The article also reflects the practice of adapting the Belgian program of individual teenagers’ support to the system of work of the Russian school and shows its role in the complex model of deviant behavior prevention. Another component of the model is the technology of mentoring children at risk, implemented with the participation of student volunteers or high school students. The article focuses on the translation of this model to schools and providing methodological support to educational organizations in the case of its implementation.

General Information

Keywords: prevention of deviant behavior, complex model, rehabilitation programs, mentoring, support for at(risk adolescents, intersectoral interaction

Journal rubric: Axiological and Personality-Oriented Basis of Cooperation and Interaction of Educational Environment Subjects

Article type: scientific article


For citation: Puchkina Y.A., Timofeeva A.I. Combining the Resources of the Education System and Civil Society in Building a Model of Preventive Work with Children at “Risk Group” [Elektronnyi resurs]. Vestnik prakticheskoi psikhologii obrazovaniya = Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education, 2019. Vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 112–122. DOI: 10.17759/bppe.2019160308. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Yu. A. Puchkina, PhD in History, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, the Faculty of Philosophy, National Research Tomsk State University, Director, Resource Center “Soglasie”, Tomsk, Russia, e-mail:

A. I. Timofeeva, Methodologist of Psychology for Children and Adolescents, Information and Methodological Center, Tomsk, Russia, e-mail:



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