Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education
2021. Vol. 18, no. 1, 90–97
ISSN: 2658-3100 (online)
An Innovative Form of Correctional Work with Chil-dren with Disabilities. Author’s Development “Quest-Simulator”
General Information
Keywords: the functions of the “quest-simulator”, the principles of the “quest-simulator”, the use of the “quest-simulator”, the effectiveness of the “quest-simulator”
Journal rubric: Professional Training of Specialists to Work with Different Categories of Children
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17759/bppe.2021180110
For citation: Vasileva O.F. An Innovative Form of Correctional Work with Chil-dren with Disabilities. Author’s Development “Quest-Simulator” [Elektronnyi resurs]. Vestnik prakticheskoi psikhologii obrazovaniya = Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education, 2021. Vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 90–97. DOI: 10.17759/bppe.2021180110. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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