Clinical Psychology and Special Education
2015. Vol. 4, no. 1, 89–109
ISSN: 2304-0394 (online)
Organization of Therapeutical Space: Setting Functions and Analyst Role in «Mother-child» Group for Children with Developmental Disorders and ASD
General Information
Keywords: setting, internal and external setting, ego-skin, groupal envelope, setting dynamical modifications, maternal and paternal aspects of setting, symbolical payment
Journal rubric: Methods and Techniques
Article type: scientific article
For citation: Hiers L., Papsueva O. Organization of Therapeutical Space: Setting Functions and Analyst Role in «Mother-child» Group for Children with Developmental Disorders and ASD [Elektronnyi resurs]. Klinicheskaia i spetsial'naia psikhologiia = Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 2015. Vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 89–109. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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