Meshkova T.A. Heredity and Environment in Etiology of Eating Disorders. I. Review of Family Studies pp. 1–14 PDF (in rus.) 1506
Nartova-Bochaver S.K. The Psychological Sovereignty as a Predictor of Emotional Resilience in Youth and Early Adulthood pp. 15–28 PDF (in rus.) 2032
Avdulova T.P. Representations of Fairness in Adolescents who are Brought up without Parents pp. 29–46 PDF (in rus.) 1451
Zababurina O., Savina E.A. Study of Voluntary Regulation in 5- and 6-year-old Children with and without Speech and Language Pathology pp. 48–63 PDF (in rus.) 1864
Danilchenko D., Kazmin A.M. Functionality, Temperament and Development of Personality in Preschool Children: a Pilot Study pp. 64–74 PDF (in rus.) 989
Vachkov I.V. Possibillities of Metaphor in Tale Therapeutic Work with Adults pp. 75–88 PDF (in rus.) 3167
Hiers L., Papsueva O. Organization of Therapeutical Space: Setting Functions and Analyst Role in «Mother-child» Group for Children with Developmental Disorders and ASD pp. 89–109 PDF (in rus.) 1691