Endophenotypes: multiplicity of variants and possible interpretations



The concept of endophenotype comprises hereditary characteristics of human body and psyche, correlating with behavioral (psychological) displays of normal functioning and mental disorders. Endophenotypes are regarded as mediators between gene action and its display at the level of behavior. The review gives an idea of the role endophenotypes play in study of genetic basis of mental diseases and normal psychic activity as well as the criteria according to which they can be detected. The article describes the definite signs of the levels, which can be regarded as poten tial endophenotypes for a number of psychic diseases and for a normal intellect. It also provides the estimation of interpretation capacities of this notion.

General Information

Keywords: genotype; phenotype; endophenotype; psychic disorder; psychiatric genetics; schizophrenia; intellect; structure of individuality

Journal rubric: General Psychology

Article type: review article

For citation: Mariutina T.M. Endophenotypes: multiplicity of variants and possible interpretations [Elektronnyi resurs]. Sovremennaia zarubezhnaia psikhologiia = Journal of Modern Foreign Psychology, 2012. Vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 50–61. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Tatyana M. Mariutina, Doctor of Psychology, professor, head Department of Differential Psychology and Psychophysiology, Institute of Psychology named after. L.S. Vygotsky, Russian State University for the Humanities, leading researcher at PI RAO, expert at the Higher Attestation Commission, member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Psychological Science and Education", member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Experimental Psychology", Moscow, Russia, e-mail: T.M.Mariutina@rambler.ru



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