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Smirnova E.O., Sokolova M.V., Sheina E.G. Investigation of toy phenomenon in western psychology pp. 26–39 PDF (in rus.) 2142
Grigoriev A.A. Study of national intellect: indirect criteria and their association with instant measuring sets pp. 40–49 PDF (in rus.) 1524
Mariutina T.M. Endophenotypes: multiplicity of variants and possible interpretations pp. 50–61 PDF (in rus.) 1727
Kozlova O.V. Psychological safety of educational environment in studies of foreign scholars at the beginning of the 21st century pp. 62–70 PDF (in rus.) 1513
Fedunina N.Y., Sugizaki E. Violence in school. Foreign sources comprehension pp. 71–85 PDF (in rus.) 1439
Archakova T.O. Ecological approach to work with foster families in the USA and Europe pp. 86–97 PDF (in rus.) 1264
Salomatina I.V. About the book by Riitta V. Lahtinen and Russ C. Palmer. The Body Story pp. 98–104 PDF (in rus.) 1061