The problem of correlation between the concepts of "violent" and "dangerous driving" in modern national and foreign psychology



At present people in nearly all the countries of the world confront with the problem of "aggressive driving", which is particularly acute in the cities. The concept of "aggressive driving" exists in many countries of the world. But there are some differences in approaches to the definition of the content of this notion, which results in giving different names for this kind of driving. For example, in most European countries, as well as in some Asian countries people use the terms "careless driving" and "dangerous driving" ("dangerous driving"). In the United States and Australia a broader concept like "aggressive behaviour on the road" is in use. In foreign countries, there are laws and rules of the road, according to which "aggressive" driving is punishable by a fine, and in some cases, even carries criminal penalties. In Russia, the problem of "aggressive driving" nowadays has started to be treated at the legislative level, and on May, 2016 the Government of the Russian Federation enacted a regulation No. 477 “On amending the road traffic regulations of the Russian Federation ", which introduced the concept of "dangerous driving ", and on 08.06.16 the “Law on dangerous driving” was adopted. The term "dangerous driving" is not easy for understand and it raises questions among drivers, who are not completely aware of what exactly is considered to be "dangerous driving" and how to implement this notion in practice. This article provides an overview of current foreign and national researches, concerning the problem of "aggressive" and "dangerous driving", identifies the differences and similarities between the concepts of "aggressive" and "dangerous driving" as they are understood in Russia and abroad, and describes the factors that influence the emergence of aggression in drivers

General Information

Keywords: aggressive driving, dangerous driving, road safety, factors of aggressive driving, road-transport environment, road traffic regulations

Journal rubric: Presentation of Scientific Works


For citation: Polikarpova M.S. The problem of correlation between the concepts of "violent" and "dangerous driving" in modern national and foreign psychology [Elektronnyi resurs]. Sovremennaia zarubezhnaia psikhologiia = Journal of Modern Foreign Psychology, 2017. Vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 44–52. DOI: 10.17759/jmfp.2017060106. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Mariya S. Polikarpova, MA in Psychology, master degree student, faculty of Social psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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