Temporal Constructions with the Names of Holidays in the Works of I.A. Bunin



Based on the material of the works of I.A. Bunin, the article analyzes temporal constructions, which include the names of holidays. The purpose of the study is to identify the structural and semantic features of the designated temporal units and their functioning in Bunin texts. The paper uses the method of continuous sampling of linguistic material, which helps to obtain the most objective research results. The methods of observation, generalization and interpretation are applied. As a result of the conducted research, a quantitative ratio of relative temporal syntaxes and relative temporal substantive turns with lexemes-names of holidays was revealed. Statistical data are presented in the form of diagrams. It is proved that in the analyzed temporal constructions, primitive prepositions are more often used, representing the antecedence or coincidence with the designated time. The peculiarities of the use of temporal constructions with names of holidays are reflected in I.A. Bunin's idiosyncrasy.

General Information

Keywords: I.A. Bunin, idiostyle, names of holidays, relative temporal syntaxems, relative temporal substantive turns

Journal rubric: World Literature. Textology

Article type: scientific article

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17759/langt.2024110211

Received: 27.03.2024


For citation: Malinskaya T.V. Temporal Constructions with the Names of Holidays in the Works of I.A. Bunin [Elektronnyi resurs]. Âzyk i tekst = Language and Text, 2024. Vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 112–121. DOI: 10.17759/langt.2024110211. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Tatiana V. Malinskaya, PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Modern Russian Language named after Professor P.A. Lekant, State University of Enlightenment, Moscow, Russia, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-3370-1770, e-mail: htgytdf@yandex.ru



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