Perspectives of research and project activities in adolescent students used for building their active interaction with social environment



A teaching practice is described that uses psychological methods of data collection and analysis in research and project activities of adolescents as the basis for school psychological and educational support of students’ development. On the example of project activity of social advertising creation, the opportunities for extracurricular formation of key competencies in students and career guidance by educational psychologists are considered. We emphasize that during their project realization, students are introduced to the psychological basics of advertising and to some psychological methods and techniques as information about the specifics of professional activities. They determine their attitude to it and the extent of their possible activity in contact with society, building on their knowledge and skills. It is noted that the results of the research project are obtained by students, and they should be considered as a component of psychological and pedagogical tools of building the developmental learning environment at school. Analyzing the results of the project, we propose that research and project activities can be a separate model of psychological services in secondary school, within which all the main duties of educational psychologist at secondary school are effectively addressed.

General Information

Keywords: social situation of adolescent development, research and project activities, gifted children, values orientations, school psychological services

Journal rubric: Developmental Psychology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Sevostyanova E.B. Perspectives of research and project activities in adolescent students used for building their active interaction with social environment. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2012. Vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 34–41. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Elena B. Sevostyanova, PhD in Psychology, educational psychologist, secondary general education school № 820, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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