The Study on Prevention of Early Manifestations of School Disadaptation in 6-7 Years Old Children



The paper addresses the problem of prevention and correction of early forms of school disadaptation in preschoolers in the setting of a center for psychological, medical and social support for children. Our aim is to prevent these early signs forming into a stable manifestation of social and psychological disadaptation. School disadaptation is regarded as a multifactor process of decrease and impairment in child’s ability to learn due to incongruity of conditions and requirements of the educational process and the social environment to child’s psycho-physiological abilities and needs. Prevention of early forms of school disadaptation is possible when the certain psycho-pedagogical conditions are established. Such as the following: a complex diagnostics of the early signs of school disadaptation. The development and implementation of a comprehensive prevention program of early signs of school disadaptation. The professional interaction between participants in the process of correction and development should be assured. Effective collaboration between professionals, parents and children should be established. The paper presents methods and results of the study on preconditions of early manifestations of school disadaptation. The approbation results of the integrated program for prevention of early manifestations of school disadaptation are described.

General Information

Keywords: disadaptation, index of adaptation, analysis of morbidity, school immaturity, anxiety level, visual-motor coordination.

Journal rubric: General Psychology

For citation: Biktina N.N. The Study on Prevention of Early Manifestations of School Disadaptation in 6-7 Years Old Children [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie [Psychological Science and Education], 2009. Vol. 1, no. 3 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Nasima N. Biktina, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Social Psychology Chair, Orenburg State University, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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