Niyazbaeva N.N. Psychological Rationale for Providing Comfort for Junior Students in Educational Activity PDF (in rus.) 7091
Biktina N.N. The Study on Prevention of Early Manifestations of School Disadaptation in 6-7 Years Old Children PDF (in rus.) 2117
Kalashnikova M.B., Kuptsova S.A. Students’ Ecological Culture Development in a University’s Educational Environment PDF (in rus.) 1246
Shamionov R.M., Tugusheva A.R. Social Success and Self-Determination Representations of Youth PDF (in rus.) 4513
Gusakova M.P. Psychological and Neuropsychological Factors of Education Individualization for Preschool Children in the Program “CHILDHOOD COACHING” PDF (in rus.) 1355
Daver M.V. Strategic Competence and Linguistic Identity Development of a Bilingual PDF (in rus.) 2367
Ismailova I.S. The Study of Connected Speech in Visually Impaired and Mentally Retarded Primary School Children (in Comparison with Other Categories of Children) while Preparing the Descriptive Stories PDF (in rus.) 1112