The Relationship between Aggressive and Confident Behavior in the System of Psychological Interpretation of Individual Behavior



The article discusses and attempts to clarify the scientific definitions of two popularly used terms: “aggressive behavior” and “confident behavior”. A fairly detailed analysis of the current scientific understanding of the above mentioned psychological phenomena is presented. Similarities and differences between the features of both types of the individual behavior are identified. In the comparative analysis the number of discrepancies found in the modern scientific and popular scientific literature are removed: when aggressive behavior is positioned as a “type of confident behavior of an individual” or as a “form of self-confidence and own well-being manifestation”. The comparison of confident behavior not only with aggressive is performed, but also with assertive behavior and clear differences are described. The relationship between aggressive and confident behavior in the system of psychological interpretation of individual behavior is reflected by the three psychological blocks: emotion - willpower - behavioral act. The three-level model of various types of behavior evaluation is proposed. As a result of the analysis the definitions of aggressive and confident behavior are formulated, taking into account the discovered psychological specificity.

General Information

Keywords: aggressive behavior, confident behavior, assertive behavior, self-confident behavior, behavioral activity of the individual, emotional-volitional sphere of personality.

Journal rubric: General Psychology

For citation: Mikheikina S.V. The Relationship between Aggressive and Confident Behavior in the System of Psychological Interpretation of Individual Behavior [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie [Psychological Science and Education], 2010. Vol. 2, no. 1 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

S. V. Mikheikina, Associate Professor, Chair of Applied Psychology and Pedagogic, North-Caucasus Social Institute, e-mail:



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