Theory and Practice of Crisis Situations



The article analyses and substantiates the grounding of psychology of crisis situations. It proves the necessity for new approach to identification of categories of professionals requiring medical and psychological support aid at prevention of diseases, professional deformation and deviant behavior. Efficient performance of professional tasks in critical situations makes high demands of the employees’ emotional and volitional qualities. That is the reason for topicality of the problem of overcoming crisis situations and professional deformations of personality in the modern world. The problem is new is some aspects, complex and multi-faceted and thus requires profound analysis taking into account the contemporary social situation. The article is the first to outline the categories of employees requiring targeted prevention work according to the peculiarities of their professional activity, specific and risk factors, revealed through the analysis of theory of crisis situations psychology.

General Information

Keywords: risk groups, crisis, situation, psychology of crisis situations, life hindrances, extreme situations.

Journal rubric: Psychology of Extreme Situations and Crises

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Myagkikh N.I., Larina N.I. Theory and Practice of Crisis Situations [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2011. Vol. 1, no. 2 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Nikolay I. Myagkikh, PhD in Psychology, Honored medical practitioner of the Russian Federation, head of the Center of psychophysiological diagnostics of the Medical and sanitary center of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Moscow, Russia

Natalia I. Larina, capitan of internal service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, senior psychologist of the Center of psychophysiological diagnostics of the Medical and sanitary center of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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