Experimental research of effectiveness of “Training on professional psychological training for employees of internal affairs bodies”



The contribution justifies the possibility of increasing the productivity of professional psychological training of employees of internal affairs bodies through the use of professionally oriented psychological trainings. It presents some results of experimental research of productivity of psychological training methods in the system of further training for employees of Ukraine internal affairs bodies. It identifies positive changes in the structure of personal and professionally important qualities of militia officers as a result of their participation in “Training on professional psychological training for employees of internal affairs bodies. It is stated that the training facilitates increase of neuropsychic stability, neutralization of aggressive manifestations, formation of tolerance to others, development of emotional self-regulation, improvement of socio-communicative adaptation.

General Information

Keywords: psychological training, professional psychological training, further training of employees of internal affairs bodies, experimental research, development of personal and professionally important qualitites.

Journal rubric: Personality-oriented Psychotechnologies in Law Enforcement

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Lefterov V.A. Experimental research of effectiveness of “Training on professional psychological training for employees of internal affairs bodies” [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2012. Vol. 2, no. 1 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

V. A. Lefterov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, head of the Department of sociology and psychology, National University "Odessa law Academy", Odessa, Ukraine, e-mail: lefteros@rambler.ru



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