Social Sciences and Childhood

[Sotsial’nye nauki i detstvo]


The mission of the journal “Social Sciences and Childhood” is to accumulate research on issues related to the development, socialization, and protection of the rights of children and their families. This research is conducted by specialists representing various social sciences, enabling the formation of a unified methodological approach to studying the well-being and safety of children.

The journal provides a platform for interaction between Russian and foreign experts on issues of different approaches to the modern child.

The journal places its attention on contemporary challenges to childhood and family, along with the responses derived from research, analysis, monitoring; the subjective well-being of the child; traditional family values; particularly vulnerable categories of children; professional development of specialists in the context of digital transformation; development of new tools for studying childhood that allow us to see the specifics of modern childhood and predict development paths and risks in the future and provide scientific basis for state policies in the interests of children and the implementing activities in Russia as part of the Decade of Childhood.