"Almost an Apology"? - commentary on A.N. Leontyev's critique of Vygotsky



In 1998 A.A. Leontiev and D.A. Leontiev (the son and grandson of A.N. Leontiev) published in Questions of Psychology (Voprosy psikhologii) a hitherto unknown manuscript of A.N. Leontiev, titled “The Teaching on Environment in the Pedological Works of L.S. Vygotsky (A Critical Study),” which had been found by chance by I.V. Ravich-Shcherbo in the archives of the Russian Academy of Education. In their commentary they assure the authenticity of the manuscript, date it from “not earlier than end of 1936, not later than 1938, probably in the ill-famed year of 1937,” and give a description of the manuscript’s origination and the contemporary situation in Soviet science and society. As the text is challenging established beliefs concerning Leontiev’s enduring appreciation of, and “keeping in line” with, Vygotsky’s theoretical approach after the latter’s death, it is analysed not only in regard to its validity as a scientific critique of Vygotsky’s conceptions but also as testimony for Leontiev’s own theoretical position and personal situation in the mid thirties of the last century. In the context of this analysis, the commentators’ statements concerning the character of the manuscript itself as well as the date and circumstances of its origination are taken under investigation. It is shown that Leontiev’s sharp criticism of Vygotsky’s conceptions, which ultimately puts in question the quality of the latter’s scientific lifework, cannot be relativised as “only due to political opportunism with respect to the perilous situation in 1936/37.” Rather it must be seen as expression of Leontiev’s very own evaluation of Vygotsky’s conceptions – an evaluation that has its prehistory in two earlier papers, dating from 1935, which show first signs of Leontiev’s discontent with some of Vygotsky’s views. The ‘trigger’ for the overtly expressed criticism of Vygotsky’s was not (as the commentators suggest) E.I. Rudneva’s infamous brochure Vygotsky’s Pedological Distortions, published in the beginning of 1937, but a critical survey of the actual state of Soviet psychology that was published as early as September 1936 in the leading theoretical journal Under the Banner of Marxism (Pod znamenem marksizma) and in which Leontiev, as a member of the “cultural-historical school” (headed by Vygotsky), had been criticised for his refusal of a “balanced” (i.e. combining self-criticism with denunciation) definition of his own position. Therefore the origination of the manuscript has to be dated as “not later than end of 1936.”

General Information

Keywords: research program by L. S. Vygotsky, activity theory, decretal on pedology, influence of S. L. Rubinschtein on A. N. Leontyev, implicit and explicit critique of L. S. Vygotsky by A. N. Leontyev, methodological and historical problems of psychology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Keiler P. "Almost an Apology"? - commentary on A.N. Leontyev's critique of Vygotsky [Elektronnyi resurs]. Tätigkeitstheorie: E-Journal for Activity Theoretical Research in Germany, 2010. no. 2, pp. 7–42.


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Information About the Authors

Peter Keiler, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Sub-Department of Psychology, Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, e-mail: Peter.Keiler@FU-Berlin.de



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