Understanding Media Revolution – How digitalization is to be considered



Not only in public discussions but also in scientific discourse the concept of „revolution” is increasingly used in order to characterise the importance of New Media in general and of smartphones and tablet-pc’s in particular. Above all those political independence movements in North Africa using mobile phones encourage this interpretation. On the other hand the international community of activity theorists remains now as ever very reserved facing this common meaning. Our contribution is to examine whether this reservation is necessarily based on activity theory or whether there is possibly an interface between activity theory and present media theory. Aiming at this purpose we check the central concepts like medium, revolution, transformation, and transition and so on. Our hypothesis is: With the help of an epistemic understanding of medium we may understand the ongoing process of New Media Development a media revolution.

General Information

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Rückriem G., Ang-Stein C., Erdmann J. Understanding Media Revolution – How digitalization is to be considered [Elektronnyi resurs]. Tätigkeitstheorie: E-Journal for Activity Theoretical Research in Germany, 2011. no. 3, pp. 77–100.


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Information About the Authors

Georg Rückriem, Doctor of Education, Vice president, Berlin University of the Arts, Professor emeritus, Berlin University of Arts. Co-founder and co-editor of "Electronic Journal for Activity Theoretical Research in Germany" (together with Prof. Dr. Hartmut Giest, Potsdam University)., Berlin, Germany, e-mail: georg.rueckriem@gmx.net

Claudia Ang-Stein, Psychologist, Researcher, University of Arts in Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Johannes Werner Erdmann, Hoch-schullehrer, Leiter des Studiengangs Er-ziehungs- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften sowie der Arbeitsstelle für Weiterbildung am Zentralinstitut für Weiterbildung an der Universität des Künste Berlin, Berlin, Germany



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