Belinskaya E.P. Modern Identity Studies: From Structural Certainty to Procedural Incompleteness pp. 6–15 PDF (in rus.) 261
Danilenko O.I., Xu Y. The Values of The Сhinese Students: the Ratio of Subjective Significance-Accessibility pp. 34–46 PDF (in rus.) 91
Sopov M.S. Stroop Interference Phenomenon in the Context of Lexical Access Theories pp. 47–69 PDF (in rus.) 135
Gorbunov J.A., Chepikova K.A., Gaevsky A.A., Yanichev D.P. Features of Physiological Mechanisms of Cognitive Functions in Patients with Schizophrenia Using Different Types of Pharmacotherapy pp. 83–104 PDF (in rus.) 101