Journal of Clinical Psychology and Special Education (Russia) Call for Papers in No. 3 2020


The scientific journal Journal of Clinical Psychology and Special Education (Russia) invites researchers and practitioners working in the field of clinical and medical psychology to submit papers in journal issue No. 3 2020 (October).

Journal of Clinical Psychology and Special Education is a quarterly, peer-reviewed that seeks to advance knowledge and practice in all areas of clinical psychology by publishing high-quality, evidence-based research of ontogenesis and dysontogenesis. The Journal implements the contextual understanding of individual development trajectories in norm and pathology.

Journal publications are free of charge. All issues are free access online at Russian Psychological issues

The editorial of the journal welcome submissions by both Russian-speaking and English-speaking authors on following topics:

  • Clinical Psychodiagnostics
  • Clinical Psychology in Expert Practice
  • Psychology of Rehabilitation
  • Psychology of Abnormal Development
  • Neurotic and Personality Disorders
  • Psychology of Crises and Extreme States

Any other paper topics are also kindly welcome for submission.

Submission deadline for No. 2-2020 is May 1 2020.

Guideline for authors and submission process can be found on the page "Author Guide". Editorial welcome manuscripts by the e-mail:


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