Directions of Contemporary Research in the Framework of the Cultural-Historical Theory and Activity Approach


International Journal “Cultural-Historical Psychology”


2020 (3): Directions of contemporary research in the framework of the Cultural-Historical Theory and Activity Approach

Guest Editors: Dr Katerina Plakitsi[1] and Dr Olga Rubtsova[2]

Dear Colleagues!

We are glad to announce that the special issue of the journal “Cultural-Historical Psychology” has just been released and is available at

As we have received many papers, we decided to devote one more volume to the same topic “Directions of contemporary research in the framework of the Cultural-Historical Theory and Activity Approach” and extend the deadline for submitting articles till August, 17.

The editors would welcome papers based on empirical research. Theoretical papers and papers offering a critical review are also invited.

Guidelines for authors are available at: All submitted papers will be subject to peer review.

Please, send abstracts/proposals in the first instance to with “Special issue, volume 2” in the subject line.

You can also contribute to the next issues of the journal, by sending articles not later than October, 31.

Please, pay attention that Moscow State University of Psychology and Education is the Publisher for 13 Psychological Journals.

More details on our web:

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Best wishes,

Editorial Board,

International Journal “Cultural-Historical Psychology

[1] ISCAR President

[2] Head of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Contemporary Childhood in Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Russia.

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