Cultural-Historical Psychology Journal is now Ranked Q3 SJR Scopus

Figure for the news

In January 2021 the international journal Cultural-Historical Psychology published by the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education was ranked Q3 in the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) within Psychology category. SJR measures the scientific influence of scholarly periodicals indexed in Scopus database.

A total number of 11 Russian journals joined the SJR rating of which Cultural-Historical Psychology occupies a third place. Our journal was included in Scopus in 2018 and has been indexed for two years now.

«The fact that our journal – and, in a broader sense, cultural-historical psychology itself - has gained wider recognition from the world academic community is truly significant and a great pleasure indeed,” - says Boris D. Elkonin, the journal’s Editor-in-Chief.

Vladimir T. Kudryavstev, member of the Editorial Board, adds: “Russia is the birthplace of cultural-historical psychology. Vygotsky is the most cited Russian psychologist in the world. And this is why the application of the Q3 rank to the Cultural-Historical Psychology journal which not only follows the traditions of the Vygotskian school of thought, but strives to develop them, is a much-appreciated and even symbolic occasion. Congratulations to everyone who takes part in the journal's life and to our devoted readers as well!”

Let us also congratulate the editorial office of the Cultural-Historical Psychology journal with this important event and express hopes of further qualitative and quantitative achievements of Russian publications in the international academic scene.


SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) in Psychology, 2021

Source: SCImago Journal Rank


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