Method of double stimulation in action: Australian experience

On April, 19th 2021 the 5th meeting of the Moscow CHAT Reading Group “ReadingLive” took place.
Invited expert Nick Hopwood, Education Researcher and Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia delivered a presentation “Using double stimulation to understand how significant positive and lasting change can happen in families with young children”. His talk focused on how transformative agency arises in families where parents are struggling with caring for young children. On the example of two cases from Australia where parents faced challenges related to feeding their children, the expert illustrated how, through double stimulation, parents can apply multiple auxiliary tools to construct new motives, enabling them to expand understandings and develop new possibilities for action.
The presentation was commented by Annalisa Sannino , Professor at the Faculty of Education and Culture, Tampere University, Finland.
The discussion touched upon various issues, including the relationships between expansive learning, double stimulation, and transformative agency, as well as on various aspects of using double stimulation in educational settings – both on-line and off-line.
The discussion was moderated by Olga Rubtsova -, PhD, Head of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Contemporary Childhood.
Relevant materials:
Nick Hopwood & Belinda Gottschalk (2020): From volitional action to transformative agency: double stimulation in services for families with young children, Pedagogy, Culture & Society, DOI: 10.1080/14681366.2020.1805494
Video of the webinar is available on Youtube
Project Moderators
Olga Rubtsova-PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Head of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Contemporary Childhood, MSUPE
Anna Shvedovskaya -PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Information & Publishing Projects, MSUPE
Our contacts:
Russian Psychological
About the project:
“ReadingLive” is a scientific and educational project, operated by Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Contemporary Childhood and International UNESCO Chair “Cultural-Historical Psychology of Childhood” with the International Journal “Cultural-Historical Psychology” and the University project “Vygotsky’s Library” .
The project is aimed at psychologists, educators, researchers, students and all those interested in Cultural-Historical Psychology and Activity Approach. “ReadingLive” is a special setting, where people from all over the world are invited to read and discuss both classical and contemporary works, written in the framework of the Cultural-Historical Psychology and Activity Approach.