“Psychologist’s Handbook”: MGPPU Journals Win National Competition for Peer-Reviewed Journals for Mental Health Professionals

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On 28 October, Moscow hosted the award ceremony for the winners of the National Competition for Peer-Reviewed Journals for Mental Health Professionals, organised by the Russian Society of Psychiatrists (RSP).

The awards ceremony took place as part of the 9th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Mental Health of Individuals and Society: Current Interdisciplinary Issues and Potential Solutions."

From 24 May to 31 August, over a thousand specialists from 145 cities across Russia—including doctors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, researchers, educators, students, and postgraduates—participated in an anonymous online vote to select winners in the categories of "Flagship of Science," "Practice Support," "Young Choice," "Author’s Dream," and the special category "Psychologist’s Handbook." A total of 23 scientific journals entered the competition, with only a limited number of psychology-focused journals; the majority were in psychiatry and neurology.

In the "Psychologist’s Handbook" category, three journals from Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE) received awards:

1st place: Autism and Developmental Disorders
2nd place: Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy
3rd place: Clinical Psychology and Special Education

Representatives of the winning journals invited to the ceremony included: Arthur Valeryevich Khaustov, Editor-in-Chief of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the Federal Resource Centre for Comprehensive Support of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders at MSUPE, and Irina Vasilyevna Sadikova, Editor of the journal; Alla Borisovna Kholmogorova, Editor-in-Chief of Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Counselling and Clinical Psychology, Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at MSUPE, and Tamara Vitalyevna Avakyan, Deputy Editor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences; the editorial team of Clinical Psychology and Special Education included Deputy Editor Nadezhda Nailyevna Kazymova and Editorial Board members: Candidate of Psychological Sciences Irina Fedorovna Roshchina, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Natalya Vladimirovna Zvereva, Doctor of Psychological Sciences Nataliya Viktorovna Babkina, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Sofia Ivanovna Reznichenko, and Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of Information and Publishing Projects at MSUPE Anna Alexandrovna Shvedovskaya.

The ceremony was held at the congress centre of N.A. Alexeev Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 1. The event was hosted by Georgy Petrovich Kostyuk, Chief Psychiatrist, Chief Physician of N.A. Alexeev Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Moscow Department of Health, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, and member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

The report, photo gallery, and video coverage of the event have been prepared by the press service of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE)
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