Online search for Additional Information as an Element of Educational Activity of Modern Schoolchildren: How to Improve Its Effectiveness?
General Information
Keywords: online search, schoolchildren, educational tasks, the effectiveness of online search
Publication rubric: Psychological and Educational Aspects of Online Learning at Different Levels of Education. Challenges of Digital Didactics
Article type: scientific article
Funding. The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project number 19–29–14005
For citation: Miklyaeva A.V. Online search for Additional Information as an Element of Educational Activity of Modern Schoolchildren: How to Improve Its Effectiveness?. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2021): Collection of Articles of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation. November 11-12, 2021 / V.V. Rubtsov, M.G. Sorokova, N.P. Radchikova (Eds). Moscow: Publishing house MSUPE, 2021., pp. 609–619.
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