
Хартвиг Пол

Член редакционного совета журнала «Психология и право»

Страна, город Норвегия, Осло
Ученые степень и звание PhD,
Должность и место работы психиатр, старший научный сотрудник Центра исследований и образования в области судебной психиатрии, Университетcкий госпиталь
Адрес электронной почты paal.hartvig@kompetanse-senteret.no
Scopus ID 7103114723
Основные научные публикации

1. Hartvig, P., Alfarnes, S., Ostberg, B., Skjonberg, M., & Moger, T. A. (2006). Brief checklists for assessing violence risk among patients discharged from acute psychiatric facilities: A preliminary study. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 60, 243-248.

2. Hartvig, P., & Kjelsberg, E. (2009). Penrose’s law revisited: The relationship between mental institution beds, prison population and crime rate. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 63, 51-56.

3. Hartvig, P., Østberg, B., Alfarnes, S., Moger, T. A., Skjønberg, M., & Bjørkly, S. (2007). Violence Risk Screening 10 (V-RISK-10). Retrieved from www.forensic-psychiatry.no

4. Hartvig, P., Roaldset, J. O., Moger, T. A., Østberg, B., & Bjørkly, S. (2011). The first step in the validation of a new screen for violence risk in acute psychiatry: The inpatient context. European Psychiatry, 26, 92-99.

5. Jacobsen, J. R. (2004). Dom på overføring til tvungent psykisk helsevern [Transfer to compulsory mental health Stål Bjørkly ,Pål Hartvig ,John Olav Roaldset , Jay P. Singh, | 2014

6. Norwegian Developments and Perspectives on Violence Risk Assessment Criminal Justice and Behavior J. O. Roaldset ,P. Hartvig ,S. Bjørkly , O. M. Linaker, | 2012.

7. A multifaceted model for risk assessment of violernt behaviour in acutely admitted psychiatric patients Psychiatry Research (epub 2012)

8. John Olav Roaldset, Pål Hartvig, Stål Bjørkly, | 2011, In Reply European Psychiatry

9. John Olav Roaldset, Pål Hartvig, Stål Bjørkly, | 2011, V-RISK-10: Validation of a screen for risk of violence after discharge from acute psychiatry European Psychiatry

10. Pål Hartvig, | 2009 Sikkerhets-, fengsels- og rettspsykiatri Kapittel i lærebok i psykiatri for høgskolestudenter, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk

11. Pål Hartvig, Svein A. Alfarnes,Bjørn Østberg,Tron A. Moger, | 2006, Brief checklists for assessing violence risk among patients discharged from acute psychiatric facilities: a preliminary study Nord J Psychiatry

12. Pål Hartvig, Bjørn Østberg, | 2007. Nytt screeninginstrument for vurdering av voldsrisiko Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen

13. Pål Hartvig, | 2007. Utilregnelige kovbrytere med samfunnsskadelig aktivitet som ikke gir grunnlag for strafferettslig særreaksjon Tidsskrift for Strafferett

14. Pål Hartvig, Berthold Grünfeld, | 2007 Ikke gjengjeldelse eller fordømmelse, men fortsatt nødvendig kontroll - Bør utviklingen i nevrovitenskap lede til mer straffrihet?

Tidsskrift for Strafferett Pål Hartvig, | 2008

15. Contemporary challenges in Norwegian Forensic Psychiatry, Expert Commentary I: Forensic Psychiatry Research Trends. New York: Nova Science Publishers

16. Pål Hartvig, Ellen Kjelsberg, | 2009 Penrose’s Law revisited: The relationship between mental institution beds, prison population and crime rate Nord J Psychiatry

17. Pål Hartvig, | 2010 Mental disorder and violence in the mental health and the correctional system: different services with overlapping challenges? Doctoral thesis Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo

18. Pål Hartvig, | 2012 Schizofreni og vold - kan man forutsi voldelig atferd?

Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen

19. Pål Hartvig, Vera Bulygina, | 2011, Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and criminal activity: World experience analysis, therapeutic tactics in Norway and Russia Mental Health, Moscow 2011

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