Фьёлен Николя

PsyJournalsID: 1691

PhD, доцент, сотрудник исследовательской группы по социальной психологии Института психологии, Университет Лион 2, Лион, Франция

Дата последнего обновления: 27.03.2024


Research Topics:

Social Psychology of Time Perspective; Poverty, Exclusion and Social Deprivation; Health Perceptions and Behaviours; Non Take-up of Social Benefits.

Current Research:

- Cross Cultural study on Time Perspective (CCTP), with A. Sircova (Norway), F. Van De Vijver (The Netherlands), E.Osin (UK), Taciano L. Milfont (New Zealand) & A. Kislali (Turkey)

- Temporal and promotion/prevention messages framing: applications to health behaviors promotion, with F. Martinez (France)

- Time Perspective and Control in self-regulation theory : Applications to non-addictive substance use (with F. Martinez, France)

- Conformity and norms in time perspective and desire for control (with F. Martinez, France)

Past projects:

- "Deepening and contextualizing the psychosocial modelling of health behaviours : pluri-methodological contributions" (University of Lyon 2/National Institute of Prevention and Health Education; Dir. F. Martinez);

- "Psychosocial determinants of non take-up of Justice and Law: Behaviours, social representations and experiences" (University of Lyon 2/Law and Justice Research Mission);

- "Ethical and identity stakes of medicaly assisted procreation" (University Lyon 2/Biomedicine Agency; Dir. N. Kalampalikis);

- "The marginalized and the public place: an action research in a railway station: the case of Lyon-Perrache" (University of Lyon 2/Ville de Lyon - CG 69).

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