Емери Хилари

Емери Хилари

PsyJournalsID: 9828

PhD, Департамент образования, почетный стипендиат Норхэма, университет Оксфорда, Оксфорд, Великобритания, hilary.emery@btconnect.com

Дата последнего обновления: 24.11.2023

Другие публикации автора

  1. Excluded Lives team: Daniels, H., Thompson,I., Porter,J., Tawell, A., Emery, H. (2020) published:
    Getting the balance right – a summary of our recommendations to government,
    Restoring the balance – the evidence background to the recommendations,
     Seeking a balance – feedback from the ‘Policy Conversations’
  2. Daniels, H., Thompson,I., Porter,J., Tawell, A., Emery, H. (2020) School exclusion risks after COVID-19. University of Oxford, England.
  3. Emery, H., Stirling, S., (2016) A whole school framework for emotional well being and mental health: A self-assessment and improvement tool for school leaders and Supporting resources for school leaders, National Children’s Bureau, London.

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