Age-Scpecific Features of Neurodynamic Measures in Native Adolescent Males of Magadan Oblast



The article explores neurodynamic characteristics and functional status of the central neural system according to the time parameters of sensory-motor reactions in native adolescent males of the Extreme North. The research involved 81 adolescent males: 42 Evenkis and 39 Koryaks aged 12—17 years studying at the boarding school in Evensk, Magadan Oblast. During the research reaction time for simple and complex sensory-motor reactions was measured. The article analyses quantitative criteria reflecting various aspects of CNS' functional status, such as: the functional level of the nervous system, persistence of reactions, the level of functional abilities of the developed functional system. The study revealed a significant improvement of these measures in subjects approaching 14—15 years (p < 0,05). In each age group of adolescent males there were subjects with low functional status of the CNS. Also, the ability to develop selective reactions was found low in 40 % of the subjects aged 12—15 years and in 18 % aged 16—17 years.

General Information

Keywords: North-East, native populations, adolescents, neurodynamic measures, sensory-motor reactions

Journal rubric: Empirical Research

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Bartosh T.P., Bartosh O.P., Mychko M.V. Age-Scpecific Features of Neurodynamic Measures in Native Adolescent Males of Magadan Oblast. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2011. Vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 91–96. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

T. P. Bartosh, PhD in Biology, leading researcher, the «Arctica» Research Centre of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia, e-mail:

O. P. Bartosh, PhD in Biology, researcher, the «Arctica» Research Centre of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia, e-mail:

M. V. Mychko, junior researcher, the «Arctica» Research Centre of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia, e-mail:



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