Self: The Configuration of Artifact (Part One)



It is for the first time that the self is discussed as an artificial/natural formation ('artifact') of a problem semi- otic status. The paper describes two semiotic interpretations of the self. According to the first one, the self reveals certain features of 'sign anomalies'; such are the figures of impossible, signs-sketches (endless regress), signs that substitute what they represent (vicious circles); the paper reviews some forms of personality maladaptation as implications of sign anomalies in the individual's reflections of his/her self. According to the second interpreta- tion, the self is configured by the real signs that constitute the architectonics of the self in its dynamic formation. The paper introduces a concept of a 'sign of the self,' the closest example of which is 'sensation' (the latter is dis- closed in terms of self-causality of the matter — material, formal, active and purposeful 'reason of the self'); in this context, a concept of co-sensations is introduced, among which the most important ones are deixes (personal pro- nouns) that play a significant role in defining the self. 'Signs of the self' together with other semiotic concepts of the self ('signs-indices', 'signs-symbols', 'beyond sign-oriented') comprise the foundation of the self in the diver- sity of its forms. The paper describes the following four successive forms of the self: Nominal Self ('Self-name'), Phenomenal Self ('My'), Cogital Self ('I myself'), Transgressive Self ('My other self'). These forms constitute the sphere of noumenal (truly existing, absolute) self. The paper also outlines the hypothetical mechanisms underly- ing the participation of the self in existence — the contours of the 'psychophysics of the self'.

General Information

Keywords: self, artifact, sign anomalies, sensation, co-sensation, self-causality, semiotics of self, Nominal Self, Phenomenal Self, Cogital Self, Transgressive Self, Noumenal Self, psychophysics of self.

Journal rubric: Theory and Methodology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Petrowskiy V.A. Self: The Configuration of Artifact (Part One). Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2014. Vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 63–78. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Vadim A. Petrowskiy, Doctor of Psychology, professor, Personality Psychology Chair, ordinary professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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