The phenomenon of nurestricted sexual behavior in modern society: pathological culture tendency or personality pathology?



The aim of this work was to study unrestricted sexual behavior (promiscuity) as a phenomenon of modern Russian culture and as one of the characteristics of personality pathology. The research was aimed at discovering the link between traits of borderline personality disorder (BPD) and indicators of unrestricted sexual behavior. An anonymous survey was organized on a special website, and we examined 492 people using the following methods: Sociosexual Orientation Inventory by L. Penke (SOI-R) and the scale of dys functional beliefs with BPD by A. Butler (PBQ-BPD). The SOI-R method was used for the first time for a Russian sample. The data of the factor analysis fully confirmed its traditional structure. The Russian version of the PBQ-BPD method was tested previously (Maximov, Kholmogorova, 2011), this study has confirmed its factorial structure, and there is data of the factor analysis. Among the respondents, 24% had more than three partners per year, 17,5% had more than 10 "one night stand" partners, 50% agreed with the statement that "sex without love is fine." The analysis showed that 16,7% of the sample show promiscuous behavior (5 or more sexual partners per year), which is close to the level of European countries. Contrary to initial expectations, it was found that the percentage of persons with BPD among people that meet the criteria for unrestricted sexual behavior does not exceed the general population (2%), which may indicate the leading role of cultural trends in the phenomenon of unrestricted sexual behavior as a trend to normalize it. It was found that two factors characterizing BPD — dependency factor (reflecting fears of abandonment and helplessness) and protection factor (reflecting the tendency to impulsivity) — are connected in opposite ways with different factors of unrestricted sexual behavior: expressed dependence reduces promiscuity and expressed impulsivity increases it?

General Information

Keywords: unrestricted sexual behavior (promiscuity), culture of sexual behavior, trends of modern culture, socio-sexual strategy, Sociosexual Orientation Inventory, personality pathology, borderline personality disorder, dysfunctional beliefs, impulsive behavior, dependence, factor analysis, correlation analysis

Journal rubric: Empirical Researches

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Konina M.A., Kholmogorova A.B., Sorokova M.G. The phenomenon of nurestricted sexual behavior in modern society: pathological culture tendency or personality pathology? . Konsul'tativnaya psikhologiya i psikhoterapiya = Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2014. Vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 88–118. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Muza A. Konina, Clinical psychologist, Sukhareva Center for Scientific and Applied Research of the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents, Moscow Health Department, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:

Alla B. Kholmogorova, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Leading Researcher, Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry (A Branch of the National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology), Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Marina G. Sorokova, Doctor of Education, PhD in Physics and Matematics, docent, Head of Scientific and Practical Center for Comprehensive Support of Psychological Research "PsyDATA", Head of the Department of Digital Education, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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