Analysis of the standards of psychological services to children and their families



The article describes the stages of standardization of psycho - social services in Russia: the standards of social services, the main steps of the process of establishing of the psychological service of education in Russia. The main scheme of the standardization of psychological services and professional work of psychologists abroad are presented in brief. The article presents factors and conditions, the list of services that are considered in standards developing in the system of social care in Russia. The brief list of up-to-date legal documents, defining the structure and a content of activity of psychological service of education in Russia is given. The sections of the organization of psychological, medical and social centers of Flanders (Belgium) developing on the basis of international standards ISO- 9000 (the latest version -1994) are described. The documents defining the basic principles, and standards of the US psychologists, on the basis of which the United States and Europe are certified experts are listed. The scheme of analysis used in the development of professional standards in the UK. It is designated, that besides standards of activity, requirements to preparation of psychologists abroad are defined.The article describes the stages of standardization of psycho - social services in Russia: the standards of social services, the main steps of the process of establishing of the psychological service of education in Russia. The main scheme of the standardization of psychological services and professional work of psychologists abroad are presented in brief. The article presents factors and conditions, the list of services that are considered in standards developing in the system of social care in Russia. The brief list of up-to-date legal documents, defining the structure and a content of activity of psychological service of education in Russia is given. The sections of the organization of psychological, medical and social centers of Flanders (Belgium) developing on the basis of international standards ISO- 9000 (the latest version -1994) are described. The documents defining the basic principles, and standards of the US psychologists, on the basis of which the United States and Europe are certified experts are listed. The scheme of analysis used in the development of professional standards in the UK. It is designated, that besides standards of activity, requirements to preparation of psychologists abroad are defined.The article describes the stages of standardization of psycho - social services in Russia: the standards of social services, the main steps of the process of establishing of the psychological service of education in Russia. The main scheme of the standardization of psychological services and professional work of psychologists abroad are presented in brief. The article presents factors and conditions, the list of services that are considered in standards developing in the system of social care in Russia. The brief list of up-to-date legal documents, defining the structure and a content of activity of psychological service of education in Russia is given. The sections of the organization of psychological, medical and social centers of Flanders (Belgium) developing on the basis of international standards ISO- 9000 (the latest version -1994) are described. The documents defining the basic principles, and standards of the US psychologists, on the basis of which the United States and Europe are certified experts are listed. The scheme of analysis used in the development of professional standards in the UK. It is designated, that besides standards of activity, requirements to preparation of psychologists abroad are defined.The article describes the stages of standardization of psycho - social services in Russia: the standards of social services, the main steps of the process of establishing of the psychological service of education in Russia. The main scheme of the standardization of psychological services and professional work of psychologists abroad are presented in brief. The article presents factors and conditions, the list of services that are considered in standards developing in the system of social care in Russia. The brief list of up-to-date legal documents, defining the structure and a content of activity of psychological service of education in Russia is given. The sections of the organization of psychological, medical and social centers of Flanders (Belgium) developing on the basis of international standards ISO- 9000 (the latest version -1994) are described. The documents defining the basic principles, and standards of the US psychologists, on the basis of which the United States and Europe are certified experts are listed. The scheme of analysis used in the development of professional standards in the UK. It is designated, that besides standards of activity, requirements to preparation of psychologists abroad are defined.

General Information

Keywords: standard, quality, service, psychological, medical and social center, Psychological service

Journal rubric: Theoretical Research

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Maksutov N.G., Yarygin V.N. Analysis of the standards of psychological services to children and their families [Elektronnyi resurs]. Klinicheskaia i spetsial'naia psikhologiia = Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 2013. Vol. 2, no. 4 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

N. G. Maksutov, deputy director of the State Budgetary Center of Psychological, Medical and Social Support "Lekoteka", Moscow, Russia

V. N. Yarygin, director of the State Budgetary Center of Psychological, Medical and Social Support "Lekoteka", Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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