Emotions and Russian adjectives. 1. Adjectives related to vision, hearing, taste and olfaction



The research is based on the proposition that language as an instrument of report about behavioral results represents the structure of individual experience which actualization underlies the behaviour. It has been found that characteristics of hedonic assessment of adjectives are related to the degree of behaviour differentiation described by these adjectives. Our data indicate that adjectives related to behavior based predominantly on the usage of olfaction and taste are rated as arousing more intensive emotions and they are rated faster than adjectives related to behavior based predominantly on the usage of vision and hearing. Adjectives related to behavior arousing more intensive emotions are rated faster than adjectives related to behavior arousing less intensive emotions. Adjectives related to behavior arousing positive emotions are rated faster than adjectives related to behavior arousing negative emotions. It can be concluded that participants rate adjectives faster and report more intensive emotions when actualizing less differentiated behavior compared to more differentiated behavior.

General Information

Keywords: language, emotions, behavior, the degree of differentiation, vision, hearing, taste, olfaction, adjectives

Journal rubric: Cognitive Psychology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Kolbeneva M.G., Alexandrov Y.I. Emotions and Russian adjectives. 1. Adjectives related to vision, hearing, taste and olfaction . Eksperimental'naâ psihologiâ = Experimental Psychology (Russia), 2011. Vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 17–27. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Marina G. Kolbeneva, Research Engineer, Institute of Psychology, RAS, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: kolbenevamarina@mail.ru

Yuri I. Alexandrov, Doctor of Psychology, Head the Laboratory of the Institute of Psychology RAS and Head. the Department of Psychophysiology State University of Humanitarian Sciences, Institute of Psychology Russian Academy of Science, head Laboratory of Neurocognitive Research of Individual Experience, Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University (FSBEI HE MGPPU), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education. Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Experimental Psychology", Moscow, Russia, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2644-3016, e-mail: yuraalexandrov@yandex.ru



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