The Choice Substantiation of Psychic Status Research Methods of People with Vision Disorders in the Conditions of the Rehabilitation Centre



The article represents the issue – complex psychological diagnostics of the peculiarities of the psychic status of people with vision disorders, their psychological and personality peculiarities to solute medical and social tasks of rehabilitation of both blind and impaired vision people. The materials of the article are based on the experience realization of the laboratory of Clinicalpsychological Research of the AllRussian Centre of Medical and Social Rehabilitation of People with Vision Disorders. The obtained data may have a character of recommendation and be used in the system of medical and social aid rendering to disabled people.

General Information

Keywords: medical and social rehabilitation, psychic status, people with vision disorders, emotional and volitional disorders

Journal rubric: Psychological Diagnostics

For citation: Momot V.A. The Choice Substantiation of Psychic Status Research Methods of People with Vision Disorders in the Conditions of the Rehabilitation Centre. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2004. Vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 95–104. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Vladimir A. Momot, PhD in Psychology, Deputy General Director of a Non-Governmental Medical and Preventive Institution, Director, All-Russian Center for Medical and Social Rehabilitation of Visually Impaired and Disabled Children, Moscow, Russia



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