The dynamics of professional representations of psychologists about themselves and about the client in the context of psychological support to students



We present the results of an empirical study of representations of psychologists about themselves as a person and professional, and about the client. Our aim was to determine the dynamics of professional representation in Psychology students and professionals working in high school. The results were obtained using the method of “Diagnosis of interpersonal relations” (DMO) in the adaptation of L.N. Sobchik. Subjects were: 279 Psychology students of 1, 3 and 5 years of education, and 69 psychologists from high school psycho-social services, 23 to 47 years old. We revealed that the content of the client image is opposite to the professional and actual self-images of the psychologist. We showed a tendency of psychologists to compensate for the inadequacy of self-image through the placement of rejected characteristics into the image of a client using projective mechanisms. We also revealed a compensatory strategy of psychologists, aimed at establishing a representation of the “professional self” as more harmonious image than the real one. As a means of realizing the inadequacy of these images, as well as the defense mechanisms used by psychologists, we propose reflexive innovative training.

General Information

Keywords: educational psychological service, psychologist, client, professional self-image, the image of a client.

Journal rubric: Psychology of Professional Activity

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Olifirovich N.I., Solodukha Y.M. The dynamics of professional representations of psychologists about themselves and about the client in the context of psychological support to students. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2013. Vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 78–87. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

N. I. Olifirovich, PhD in Psychology, Assistant Professor, Chair of Developmental and Educational Psychology, M. Tank Belarus State Pedagogical University, e-mail:

Y. M. Solodukha, Master of Psychology, Post-Graduate Student, Segment of Psychology of Developmental Education, Belarus National Institute of Education, e-mail:



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