Changes in the Content and Structure of Students' Life Projects in the Educational Reflexive Dialogue



This article discusses the problem of developing new teaching methods that are based on the use of reflexive technologies. One of the key components of these technologies is systemic reflection as a condition for the realization of personal potential. The paper contains a brief overview of theoretical, methodological and applied developments in the field of studying the phenomenon of reflection in Russian psychological science, which serve as a theoretical basis for the development of reflexology. The main conditions of the organization of reflexive dialogue, the principles of its construction, the necessary structural components and a summary of the author's development - the reflexive training "Life project of the individual" are described. The author's development - refletrening "Life project of personality" contains a description of the basic conditions of its organization, the principles of construction and the necessary structural components. The results of an empirical study of the influence of educational reflexive dialogue on the formation of students' life projects are presented. The use of reflexive practices (reflexive training) in reflexive dialogue for building life projects in adolescents is also justified. It has been empirically established that changes in the structure and content of life projects are noted equally in all subjects, regardless of their personal characteristics, but more likely in students with high scores on such personal characteristics as orientation in time (understanding the existential value of life), creative attitude to life (creativity), autosympathy, contact, systemic reflection", volitional regulation of behavior (control-naturalness), the level of general reflexivity, the appropriation of socially significant roles, the availability of experiences, openness to new experiences and self-assessment of metacognitive activity.

General Information

Keywords: reflexive dialogue; reflexive learning technologies; model of system reflection; meta-Self; reflexive training

Journal rubric: Educational Psychology

Article type: scientific article


Acknowledgements. E.I.Gorbacheva, scientific director of the project, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of Kaluga State University named after K.E.Tsiolkovsky

Received: 02.11.2023


For citation: Logutenkova I.V. Changes in the Content and Structure of Students' Life Projects in the Educational Reflexive Dialogue. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2024. Vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 126–144. DOI: 10.17759/pse.2024290308. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Irina V. Logutenkova, Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, Kaluga State University named after K.E.Tsiolkovsky, Obninsk, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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