Psychological And Pedagogical Aspects Strategies In Educational Strategies



This contribution addresses the issues of improving the system of psychological-pedagogical education, during which the skills of the value perception of reality are developed. It highlights the problem of mosaic education, giving separate and systematic knowledge taken from random sources. It also shows the gap between system knowledge and accelerating growth of information flows. Meeting the challenges to overcome this gap, according to the authors, requires targeting, phasing, continuity and commitment of the education process. By creating a system of psycho-pedagogical support, we can achieve significant changes in the methodology of psycho-pedagogical education and, ultimately, shift the focus from the psychological preparation to the forming of an integrated humanistic culture of Russian youth and students.

General Information

Keywords: education strategy, social identity, value orientations, education, training

Journal rubric: Psychology of Education

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Orlova I.V. Psychological And Pedagogical Aspects Strategies In Educational Strategies [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie [Psychological Science and Education], 2012. Vol. 4, no. 1 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

I. V. Orlova, Doctor of Philosophy, chair of journalism, social advertising and public relations, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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