The Erikson Identity. Review of the Book by N.S. Burlakova and V.I. Oleshkevich. “E. Erikson's Psychological Theory of Identity as Reflected in the Author's Personal History (A Research on the Nature of Clinical Psychological Knowledge)”



This review gives a detailed and carefully reasoned analysis of the monographic study of Erik Erikson's theoretical constructs in the context of his own life story. The review is obviously unbiased and reveals both strong and weak sides of the monograph, the latter mostly related to the authors' personal attitudes towards the works of Erik Erikson and his personality.

General Information

Journal rubric: Critique and Bibliography

Article type: review

For citation: Tolstykh N.N. The Erikson Identity. Review of the Book by N.S. Burlakova and V.I. Oleshkevich. “E. Erikson's Psychological Theory of Identity as Reflected in the Author's Personal History (A Research on the Nature of Clinical Psychological Knowledge)”. Sotsial'naya psikhologiya i obshchestvo = Social Psychology and Society, 2013. Vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 148–159. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


  1. Anciferova L.I. Epigeneticheskaya koncepciya razvitiya lichnosti Erika. G. Eriksona // Princip razvitiya v psihologii. M., 1978.
  2. Il'in V.A. Tendencii psihosocial'nogo razvitiya v rossiiskom obshestve. Ufa, 2007.
  3. Il'in V.A., Mihailova E.A. Krizis identichnosti kak resurs modernizacii obshestva: issle) dovanie vospriyatiya social'nyh institutov rossiiskogo obshestva predstavitelyami treh social'no)vozrastnyh kategorii sovremennyh rossiyan // Social'naya psihologiya i ob) shestvo. 2012. № 2.
  4. Tolstyh A.V. Neizvestnyi klassik // E. Erikson. Identichnost': yunost' i krizis. M., 1996.
  5. Erikson E. Detstvo i obshestvo. M., 1996.
  6. Erikson E. Identichnost': yunost' i krizis. M., 1996.
  7. Bloland S.E. In Shadow of Fame: a memoir by the daughter of Erik H. Erikson. N.Y., 2005.
  8. Coles R. Erik H. Erikson: The Growth of His Work. Boston, 1970.
  9. Friedman L.J. Identity's Architect: a biography of Erik H. Erikson. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1999.

Information About the Authors

Nataliia N. Tolstykh, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Division Head of the Social Psychology of Development, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Editor-in-Chief of the International Scientific Publication Social Psychology and Society, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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